Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Hello again to all!

A whole lot has happened since last I've written. To sum it up, I'm done with another semester of college! I was kidnapped for my birthday, I bought myself a new computer for college and other things, and I've been flat broke since about October. I'm glad this semester is over, as it was a living hell.
Let's start from the beginning of this. I received my computer after much red tape. We'll leave it at that. Since then, I've had to wipe out my hard drive and start from scratch. Not a fun thing to deal with, especially around finals time. That aside, everything's good.
The kidnapping back in Oct. was great!! I was walking with my g/f in the courtyard of my apartment, when two characters in masks and full tactical gear ran out, threw a bag over my head, handcuffed me, and led me to a car. The bag on my head wasn't very dark, so I could see it was one of my roommate's cars. I also knew it was my other two roommates that had handcuffed me and taken me away. Once inside, the handcuffs were removed, an additional bag was placed on my head, and I was driven around in circles for confusion. It sort of worked. After a while, I realized I was on my way north, towards Duluth. There was a pit stop, I was fed Cheeze-Its® and a Dr. Pepper®. In fact, half of a family sized box of those wonderful cheese flavored snacks was poured onto my one open hand. The entire trip I was yelled at when attempting to talk, yet I persisted. Eventually, they let up, and we made a hostage video.
Eventually we arrived in Duluth. There to greet me were my roommates, my g/f, a friend of ours, a coworker and her b/f, and some old high school buddies. We worked our way down to the pier. This is where my two best friends came out of no where! To make a long story short, we all spent the day in Duluth, eating, and having fun! It was a blast! It's funny how short the trip there is when you can't see what's going on.

I suppose that's all for now!



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