Thursday, January 06, 2005

The New Cancer

Did I mention that this will be a controversial blog?? If not, now's the time to tell you. I will post my thoughts on the world and the people in it, and I hope that readers who browse or read them won't be slanderous or ridicule me for them. And PLEASE, read the entire entry before you post a comment. Thank you - the Management.

So, onto today's topic.

I feel that the real cancer of the world (besides the disease itself) is/are people. There is so much corruption, hate, greed (other 6 deadly sins), etc. in this world that I have lost hope in almost everyone. I do believe in the good intentions of others, and from time to time, they do indeed show. Most people, unfortunately, will help you out only to benifit themselves, regardless of the façade they hide behind. In times of crisis, everyone works together, which is truly a great and awe-inspiring thing. However, I've noticed with the passing of certain crises that people lose their unity, and stop caring, unless it is for themselves. Now I realize that not everyone can be selfless all of the time, but with the things I notice on a day to day basis, I have no choice than to say that the majority of us are a cancer.
It's not only in actions of character, but also in actions of reproduction. We are multiplying at a rate that is unprecedented. I took ecology this past semester, and that class just drove this thought home. No one will ever be able to do what they did in China here. For those of you who don't know what happened in China, they passed a law allowing only one child per family, offering tax-cuts to those who families that followed the law, and penalties to those families who did not. That would never happen here. You can't tell an American how to act or how to live their life, even if they are too stupid to see the entire picture. Heaven forbid. Well, now that I think of it, literally. I am not in any way Christian (although I'm reading a book compiling all of the major world religions), but according to the book of Genesis, God commanded man to go forth and multiply. And I think in the Catholic Religion woman are supposed to have many children, I'm not sure about that though. I think this will bring the downfall of humanity - uncontrolled population growth (not necessarily by Christians). Our resources are already expired. We are running out of time, but no one cares or cares to listen. It won't be realized until it's too late. I really really try to be an optimist, but this concept can make me depressed to the point of no return. The fact that people turn away from the negative because they don't want be brought down, or because it's hard to deal with is pathetic. We've become a lazy world dependant on technology and the easy way out. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP!!!!

Listen to Cancer, a song written by Richard Patrick by Filter. Richard had a lot of balls to make a song like this.


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