Sunday, August 31, 2008


This article discusses whether or not Bisphenol-A could cause hormonal affects in humans.

I think that if have been using this in baby bottles and soda cans for decades, we are fine. No one will say any specifics about the article. Was a comparable dose given to rats to that which would leach off of a Nalgene in humans? Or were the rats just given huge doses of the chemical to see affects in the body? It's more than likely the former, but no one says anything about it for people to decide for themselves.

Here's a noteworthy quote from this article:

The Canadian review, however, found “negligible risk” from BPA to those older than 18 months.

This is a good example of how fear of the unknown controls our lives. Now people are asking Nalgene to pull their products and find another chemical to make their containers. The FDA even says it's safe in a related article (not that we should put our weight in trust in the FDA). It's clear that people will absorb and retain negative information more than positive. This also may show the American public's distrust in our agencies and may point to distrust in other areas as well.

I'd like to thank my friend Dave for giving me the idea for this article.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

3rd World Politics

If we destroyed 3rd world poverty via Fair Trade and other programs, what are the implications that follow? I'm not saying that everyone shouldn't be entitled to a great life. What I am saying is, if we bring the world up to where everything has been put to an equilibrium, the food stoichiometry equation will no longer hold and we'd be screwed! You think we're on top of the food chain now, see what happens when this point is reached!

Food prices would skyrocket due to demand and the supply would disappear. You can't put a price on your family. We would try and look for other places to grow food, but the dense populous already lives where the climate is right for living (i.e. not deserts), so there would have to be less people so there is room for food to grow. Perhaps the rain forest had an answer, but in a twist of masochistic irony, we've already eliminated that option because it's gone now (considering that world equality would take a number of years to achieve). I'm sure the corrupt businesses and people who have substantial amounts of Moola will horde what they can under the eyes of the sleeping people. Then, I could only imagine many mini civil wars to right this great wrong. In the end we'd either destroy the known world leeching it for all the energy it could give, destroy ourselves trying to maintain equality, or we would have to step up, take some responsibility, and drop our population down (see a pattern here?).

Unfortunately, I'd bet there a thousand different ways we would decide who gets to carry on their lineage and who doesn't, just because we are like that. There would be a whole new era of segregation. Nothing can be simple, eh?

So in a world of where most of us are constantly striving for equality, how do we solve this problem? It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of planning, responsibility, and management, that we, as a human race, do not do well. No, I don't have faith in humanity. There, I said it. If you haven't already picked that up from my other posts. I think we are going down. I will never lose hope that we can recover, though.