Sunday, July 31, 2011


How long has it been that you've gone without a distraction? When was the last time you sat in silence with a blank mind or just with your own mind? I find myself asking this question more and more often these days.

Years ago, I bought a book called, "Awakening Your Psychic Powers". Usually, I regard psychics with a mixed opinion. Some of them are hokey, some are credible, and some of what they do can be described similarly. I've always had a fascination with psychics, so I bought this book knowing I would pick it up and read it eventually. The author bases his teachings (I may be saying this wrong, the teachings may be Edgar Cayce's reiterated) on those of famous psychic Edgar Cayce.

It's completely not how I imagined it would be in terms of writing and what it teaches. I guess I expected something that would have a mix of outright incredulous promises with some realistic practices, but surprisingly, it had been most of the latter. Some of the conclusions the author drew seemed abrupt and not well reasoned, but he always sighted studies. However, the guidelines it gave for building basic intuition (i.e. psychic powers) are great. It's been a few years now since I've read the book, and unfortunately, haven't given the time to develop anything. It is at the forefront of things I want to do, but I have difficulty in unplugging myself from technology, though you wouldn't be able to tell with how often I post on this blog.

Others who know me well, may be somewhat shocked that a scientific mind, if I may be so bold to call myself such, would consider something like this credible at all. If I can say nothing else, it's that I have an open mind and I think you should to, whether or not it's for psychics or for trying a new food. Though I haven't developed my intuitive powers, I have delved further in the world of spirituality and other new age practices since reading this book and I'll probably share things as they come up.

At any rate, give yourself some time in the next few days to just turn off every distraction around you and tune into the world around you, even if it's just sitting on your couch. If you have family, try it with them. Truly try to feel yourself in the present when you do. Maybe nothing will happen, maybe something will. Talk with someone about your experience. You could even post about it in the comments if you please. You may be surprised.

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