Monday, November 16, 2009

Dreamscapes XIII

These next couple are really foggy. I only slightly remember the second one.

I was Jimmy Chamberlain of the Smashing Pumpkins; I could play just like him (in reality, I'm not that good [he says with much humility...]). We had a show, but it was a poor performance and everyone disliked us. We were kicked off stage during a song break.

Dream shift.

I was investigating an eastern European woman at a beach, because she broke the law and was a target of a top secret U.S. government faction to which I was employed. She knew I was following her, and quickly entered a luxury hotel to evade me. I followed her in and lost her trail for a short while. I was terrified of my faction, and I didn't agree with their tactics, and was weary of this mission. When I caught up to her, we struggled briefly and I ended up telling her that she was a target and that the government was going to torture her and two of her friends if she didn't escape.

Dream shift.

There was a strange food drive with work, and we were cleaning out a section of a school. The halls had removable walls that acted like doors (somewhat like the Japanese shoji, but without a screen, the walls just moved), and behind each was some stuff. I faintly remember going into a few different rooms. We found some tables in one of the rooms, and set them up in the hallway. I think we were handing out the food (not collecting it) and the leftovers were to be given to Conan O'Brien.

Dream shift.

Some dude at my college (not the college I actually attended) wanted to beat me up because I had done something weird or socially awkward. The college was like a large child's play world, similar to those at McDonald's. The students ran around in it and it was built for child sized people, so it was pretty ridiculous seeing adults running through it.

This one was very exciting and cool, if only I could remember more details!

There were two griffins flying around town and my dad and I were trying to get to a safe haven. The rule was, as long as the griffins didn't notice you, you were fine, but once they noticed you, you had to flee or kill them, because they would relentlessly pursue and attack you until you were dead. We both went unnoticed for a small part of the dream, although we were a bit on edge, trying to dodge the griffins. I was eventually noticed by a griffin after crossing the street through a part of town. It wasted no time in attacking me. I have a note about a giant (buffalo sized) guinea pig, but I forget the role it had. My dad risked being seen by the griffin to help me out - once the griffin saw its first victim, it wouldn't focus on anyone else unless something got in its way, so the griffin attacked him with a saw and spears. He escaped unharmed, and I was able to flee to a liquor store, which turned out to be the safe haven. My dad met with me soon after.

MDT, CAS and I were going up north to see 311. I drove myself up to Pierz, MN. MDT and CAS were to meet up with me. I discovered 311 made a quick stop in town on their way to the venue and met them outside of a house on Main Street. I remember walking up and down Main Street, smoking cigarettes. I ended up meeting two other guys and they offered me a ride, so I jumped in their car to drive the rest of the way up. After about a half hour, I remembered that MDT and CAS needed a ride from me from Pierz, so I told my new friends that I needed to go back. They didn't want to drive all the way back, so I had them drop me off in middle of nowhere, and told them that I'd walk back. I looked around at a few of the houses in the area and I noticed a Buddhist house of worship that seemed intriguing, so I wandered over. I entered and looked about the place. At one point, I was healed by some spiritual person using Rhea (says GBC, when I asked her about it in reality). After my healing, laying on the same table, a kid started to walk on me. After a short while, the leader of the house asked the kid to leave, so she could walk on me. As this is all going down, my limbs feel like they are aflame. Whatever was happening, was affecting my aura - a truth I realized in the dream.

This one's a bit foggy. A scarecrow spirit was possessing people and changing them into scarecrows. He jumped from person to person, a very nasty, evil spirit that was somewhat difficult to detect once he had possessed someone. From what I recall, the moment he jumped to a new person, the previous person morphed into a lifeless scarecrow. I ended up tricking the scarecrow spirit into destroying his tomato heart, releasing those he possessed. I don't remember how I tricked him, but I do vividly remember the beating tomato heart on the outside of his vest right before I tricked him.

Dream shift.

I don't know what his fate was in the dream, but spirits were showing me a key in CAS's parents' house to a small music box. It was hidden in the walls somewhere.
I told him about the dream the other day, and he said that there was a box hidden.

There were murders outside the house at my parents', although the dream was not scary. My uncle Tom was there investigating and he said something about gypsu guards and knife bandits. The gypsu guards comment caused me to awake laughing hysterically.

Dream shift.

I was at the cabin excitedly collecting multicolored mushrooms visually similar to the wax psychedelic ones you can find at Spencers/Down In The Valley, etc. There were tons of them everywhere and they were vivid in color. The mushrooms were all growing in the grass in the area around and behind the guest cabin, which had been cleared out and leveled so that it appeared as a steep valley. In reality, there are many trees and flora around the guest cabin and the driveway inclines up to the road about 100 feet back, the land nearby which owns the guest cabin, sloping up with it. The little cabin had been remodeled and refurbished and was really nice. The g/f was playing in the water, but I don't remember if I joined her, or if I was just watching from the top of the boathouse above the lake. At one point, gargantuan loons were in the lake. My family and I were watching them for a while before they rose from the water slightly and we could tell they were disguised military vehicles.

Dream shift.

I was in the basement of a building and I noticed a door that I knew had a huge amount of water building up behind it and about to break through. As I assessed the situation, I grew manic and desperate. I knew that if I didn't think of something quick to escape or hold the door back, I would not live to see another 10 minutes. I noticed a set of dilapidated stairs that didn't even touch down to the floor that led up and out of the room, and had barely enough time to take them, but I miraculously managed to escape. I emerged onto a level between sets of steps of a on old university-style building, with lots gilded interior work, marble floors, and pillars set in the walls. At this point, the dream becomes blurred, and I think I still had to keep climbing to escape the water that was rushing up to meet me once again.
This dream sort of reminds me of a level on Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Dream shift

My g/f and I were at a department store drinking water from fountain that shoots up from the floor into your mouth when standing upright. There was a store with mittens and gloves, where some weird dude was asking Heather questions and then touched her face.

I was by the Brookdale mall. I climbed the guard fences by the highway to cross over to my parents' house. After that, I went to my Grandma's house, which is a few blocks away. It was haunted. When I arrived my uncle Tom (dad's side) and Todd (mom's side, same as my grandma) were there. There was a little boy's spirit in the house and outside, a tree that had two of its three main branches cut off started moving of its own accord. My uncle Tom stood in front of it and it grew taller and formed a face. Suddenly, it started writhing around wildly. I awoke terrified in the very early morning from this one.

I dreamt the story behind the Death Eaters and how they came to be. My old dog, Shadow, was eating tongues out of people while they were still alive and they were the ones who became the Death Eaters. I awoke screaming Shadow's name.



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