Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yesterday, for the first time in years, I rocked out. I mean, really rocked out.

I organized a jam session for yesterday with a buddy from work a few weeks back. I was a bit nervous not only because I never really jammed with anyone outside of my close friends and that was years ago, but also because I'm a nerdy unconfident man. Over the years I honed my skills as a drummer, and I've been sort of writing music on guitar, but I'm much less adept at the stringed instrument than the skinned instrument. My buddy rents a house and has roomates so that further added to my nervousness - I'm very much the perfectionist and was wondering how badly I might suck or how their opinions of my skills would form.

At first, it was just my friend and I. I played a little guitar and he was on the drums. After about 5-10 minutes, we switched as my knowledge of the guitar was a little lacking. That's when the magic happened. We played a few things and one of his roomates, who also happens to play guitar stepped in, and we really went to town. I tend to get too excited and optimistic about things in general, but the whole experience was very cool. The two guys have written quite a few tunes, and I improved drum parts to all of them. The general concensus was that it was fun and we plan on doing it again. Perhaps we will form a band?

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