Friday, July 03, 2009

It Begins

I don't really know how to begin writing this one, as it's what I would call a spiral post - it will be the beginning of a series of blog posts, maybe two or more. I guess it depends on how much content I cram into each post. On that note, I find that I blog even less than I used to on account that I can think I reach more people via facebook link sharing. Although, who knows how many of my friends actually click on my content, if many do, they don't comment on them. Really, I prefer blogging, because it allows for a forum-like venue; again, it's not something I experience because I don't get very many comments, probably on account of the fact that I'm not a consistent blogger.


If you have a moment, actually, about 20 of them, all one minute in length, watch The Story of Stuff. It's a little documentary on the cycle of the shit we waste our money - our stuff - and how we are and why we were brainwashed into wanting it. Basically it explains our consumer driven society.

While I enjoy this film on a few different levels, there are a few things I don't like about it. The narrator blames the government, "the people who are supposed to take care of us", as it is said in the video, as one of the sources of the problem, as well as the large corporations who are dedicated to their never-ending thirst for the dollar (my embellishment). While this is true, I think she needs to emphasis that it we, the people/consumers, who have the biggest blame in all of this. While we can claim we were brainwashed and that we had little power, I think everyone knows deep down that this has been happening and we've done nothing to stop it. You can't blame the government if you put those people in that position. If you don't like the way things are run in our country, pull those fuckers out and put in the right people! The corporations, I suppose, wouldn't get away with what they do if the right people were in the government regulating things. I know what I just said. Yes! "Regulating". I personally don't like the government to have to regulate the shit out of our country, but the filth heading these corporations will find any string, hole or what have you to weasel their way through and profit from it all. After all, that's one of the things America is all about. The ability to build a company up from the ground and profit. Many folks nowadays consider this, "the pursuit of happiness". We are taught in business school to profit, the myriad of ways it works and how to change it if you aren't. Someone told me at work that if you aren't profiting year after year, your company isn't successful. How does that even make sense? There is only so much money in the world and if every company is profiting, where is the money coming from?

You know, I should just stop there because, this could go on forever: Money is imaginary to money is backed by hard wealth, or whatever it's called, i.e. valuable metals or materials to the earth only contains X amount of those materials, so governments make up more of it. This is a topic I'm not well versed in and, taken how fired up I get about it, it shows. Someone, please enlighten my foolishness.

One last thing about corporations. I know not every one of them is greedy, I don't want to group or generalize all of them together, because there are companies making a difference out there. If you are one of them, thank you!

This post "series" brings up one other thing. I have sort of a ghost post I've been saving since I first started this blog about advertising. I think this post is what will finally make me write about it. It will be the second in the series.

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