Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dreamscapes XII

As a child, my mother left me some mythical paint brushes and pipes, in a room on a shelf, as she was going to abandon/leave me. The house was designed South American style - walls of clay or stone and sat inside a complex of other buildings made of similar construct all inside a walled city; the house had open, glassless windows. As she was leaving me behind, I witnessed something kill her.
Years later, I was defending these brushes and pipes from thieves but I had to use them and recharge them on the window sill in sunlight to do it. There was a small button of light that shone from above the sill that the brush bristles had to touch before they could be recharged. Villains were pouring in and I had to defeat them as quickly as possible, so I had time to recharge before the next gang rushed in. Fortunately, I had a small party of friends to help me along the way. I could use the brushes - each had a special power, like healing or flame summoning or something - but only for a while. Then the bushes had to be put back on the sill to be recharged in the sunlight. I remember droves of enemies coming in and being able to defeat them easily, until the creature who killed my mother years ago appeared. A long, difficult battle with my friends ensued. Eventually the thing that killed my mother, which was revealed as a black cougar who took the form of a man during battle, stood atop one of the buildings. I was able to sneak up behind him and whack him in the back of the head three times, before he fell off of the building and was finally defeated. After we recouped from our battle and recharged all of the brushes, all of the people from where I work showed up. I was giving them all hugs because the beast was finally defeated.

Chris B. came back/escaped from jail. He showed up at CAS's house and then I felt compelled to take him to my parent's house, so he wouldn't get caught by police. I was able to avoid letting my parents know that Chris was hiding in their basement. He had brought one or two prison mates with him.

To understand this dream, you should read this.

What does this dream mean? Do I really believe Chris is innocent? I struggle with this. He was a dear childhood friend of mine, but he had a troubled family life. I don't know how he got caught up with Carpenter. His life seemed to be turning around right before this all went down.

I was driving through the 35W bridge area (before it had been rebuilt); it was very space age. I got out of the car after driving up to a building/garage where the road ended. I went inside the building and up some stairs which opened up to a platform which was like a gas station. A clerk asked me about the weather and I told him that it was still cloudy, but it wasn't raining, and it was cold. He was upset about the clouds. A customer approached a female attendant and asked how to get out on the road that was behind the building and on with her trip. She was told to take the car elevators back around. Suddenly I was with some scientists and we were climbing another flight of stairs that lead to a platform above the one I was just standing on. This platform had beach sand on it and included a small pool but it was somehow outside and the sky was sunny. Something had landed on earth and the scientists and I were investigating these strange new creatures. One of them looked like a shoe, but when frightened, it morphed into a scorpion like arthropod that would run after your feet. I was trying to get pics of it on my camera, but it moved too fast, morphing into a shoe again once it ceased moving. I kept scaring it to try to capture the creature in it's true form. It started chasing me across the beach until finally it latched onto my foot. I awoke from this dream by slamming my leg down on the bed in reality attempting to get it off in the dream. It's pretty funny remembering how I woke up!

In the amazon rain forest, I stood on a canopy that topped cliffs and gorges all around. The landscape was very vivid with striking colors. From high atop huge cliffs, CAS, MDT and I jumped, falling thousands of feet. Tree branches would catch us at the bottom and fling us up again, like a super trampoline, one that propelled you leagues into the air. I had the ability to glide a little bit. After bouncing around the jungle a bit, we decided to try to get to the forest floor. It took a while to change the upward propulsion to forward propulsion, to try to fall lower to the ground. I loose the dream a little bit here. Eventually, I think we dropped into an old shack and were being watched/followed. I remember something about climbing through ductwork.

Dream shift. I was sitting somewhere and I remember having a loose tooth. I wiggled it a little and it just fell out of my mouth! It started with one then, slowly they came out in large numbers. This dream had something to do with teeth grinding. I had an orthodontist referral check last year, and he said that I grind my teeth, which at the time, I had no idea I did. I had this dream before I had the orthodontist check, which is very intriguing! I'm not I was able to record them, but I've had numerous dreams of losing my teeth in the past.



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