Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Envelope

My chaotic mind has really done it this time. I've decided to try and half-ass vegetarianize myself. Not only am I trying to chose more vegetarian options for meals, but when it comes to meat, I will strive to choose cage free/free range and humanly treated animals' meats. Right now, my g/f and I have decided to have at least one day a week devoted to vegetarian meals, and slowly try and work up from there.

Some of you may roll your eyes - either at my attempt to be vegetarian, or the fact that I think it's difficult to eat healthy, but this is coming from a man, who, as a teen, drank at least 2 pops a day and washed it down with a bag of Chex Mix, every day. This is a difficult goal for me, and I find myself struggling already. As a born snacker, I am used to coming home and indulging in a deep fried or salted snack. What I realized, after reading a few articles from Experience Life Magazine, and looking at the ingredients list of many of my favorite snacks, is most of that stuff is even more terrible for my body (mentally & physically) than even I knew. As my crappy snack food supply diminishes, I've become anxious. When I automatically get up to get a snack, my brain is realizing that those delicious irresistible crap foods are near gone, and I fret for a moment. My God, it's like getting over an addiction! My mind immediately commands me to go to the store to replenish the supply, but I hold myself in check. This time, I'm going to do this right. No, I'm not going to cut myself off and never eat those types of snacks again, but at home, I'm going to refrain. There are plenty of opportunities throughout the year to indulge in crap foods and most of those are celebratory, so I'll have a good reason to indulge.

I've also decided to use help myself along by exercising more regularly again. For years I've neglected running, one of my favorite things to do, but no more! Right now, I've been walking a few miles everyday with the g/f, and I find that it's much easier to convince myself to get up and walk, rather than to run. Eventually, I will start running a few times a week, or playing tennis with Bizzle. Now, I know I've talked about dancing, and I still do that, but this type of exercise is free, versus paying for a multitude of expensive dance classes. My hip hop class is only one day a week, and I've been drumming in African, which helps to work up a sweat, but delivers no real physical health benefits, so that is not nearly enough. I would love to get back into Tae Kwon Do, but I think that will have to wait a while until more debt is paid off, as that is probably the most expensive thing I could do.

What do you do to stay healthy and keep in shape?

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Blogger Sarah V said...

Oh, I think that is so wonderful. Now only for your mind and body but for the planet as well! I mean, too many animals produced for the sake of food requires a lot of energy and nonrenewable resources, not to mention the methane gas the animals produce! Good for you! Keep up the good work, I am positive you can do this.

12:16 PM  

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