Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dance As A Means to Meet Hot Chicks

For all you hetero fellows out there who are lonely, want to find someone special and have adequate social skills, I've got a bit of advice for you - take a dance class and learn to dance.

A drummer friend of mine said this to me the other night in conversation (we'll he said specifically to learn to Salsa) and it's true! I've been going to hip hop, afro modern, and african dance classes for years now, and I won't lie, there are chicks galore in these classes. I can't speak for other areas, but in MN, we have a diverse culture, so there women of all walks of life in these classes. And let's not forget, these are dance classes so the chicks are...how can I put this...HOT!

Not only are you presented with an opportunity to meet lots of different women, but you also get to have fun and tone that flabby, couch potato, Halo-playing-ass as well! I'm speaking to a specific demographic, here. So guys, get out there, learn to groove/move it and say hello.

Of course, there's always the alternative...you'll find some hottie gamer chick one of these days online.

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Blogger Natalie said...

My climbing friends and I were talking about this, last night. I'm quite amused by the idea. But maybe it's true... Dudes rarely seem to have the confidence to join dance classes, though. And a lot of those who do aren't ballsy enough (or perhaps aren't straight enough?) to ask out girls in their classes. I know I would prefer a guy I met in a dance class over one I met at a dance club, though...

10:09 AM  

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