Friday, May 09, 2014

Teh Life

Since I only manage a post a year, something I hopefully will change at some point in my life, I figure I could at least list all the things going on that's kept me from blogging. Isn't that half this blog anyways - posts about why I don't post?

I'm getting married this year, so that's a big time killer in most aspects of my life. It's not a bad thing, but I'm hoping I can get a little more time in doing other things after the wedding's over. Some of you may know her as the non-g/f. It's going on 13 years - time to knot it up.

My fiancée and I have been practicing yoga for about 6 months now. We love it! We were going almost every day for many months, but now it's more of a weekend thing with workload and wedding planning getting in the way.

I've been pushing closer to my dream of becoming a musician as well. Mil (guitar player/coworker/friend) and I have been rehearsing much more. We have some pretty good music making chemistry, with probably about 20 songs in various stages of completion under our belt. I feel as soon as we get some lyrics down, we can maybe start performing them to actual people!

I have lost my two girl piggies as of now, Libby and Linny. They are very much missed.

I have gained 3 fur sons, all guinea pigs, each with his own distinct personality. Henry, the big cantaloupe of a pig, a.k.a. Mr. Butterscotch Ripple, or King Pig is the friendliest. He comes up to you in his cage, which is extremely rare in guinea pigs. He's a cuddler.

Kip, who I truly love as a guinea pig, would be someone I would hate were he a human being. He sets up situations with the other pigs like he's defenseless and pathetic, but then tries to bully them and snap at them when they're least expecting it. I'm pretty sure he's on the bottom rung of the pecking order, but he strives to be first. It will never happen. Ever. Henry is about twice his size, and even though Kip has fattened himself up enough to almost weigh as much as Henry, he just doesn't have what it takes for alpha pig.

Emile is our youngest. He's cute/ridiculous/energetic/punk all rolled into one. He's very squirrel-like, zipping about the cage, always curious to explore new areas. I call him punk and ridiculous because of his fur. All the boys are some part Abyssian, but Emile has some long haired pig in him. It's on his back end and makes him look like he's wearing a grass skirt. This fluffy spiked out hair also gives him a punk rock look from the front.

Definitely an anomalous group. We've had Henry and Kip for about a year, and Emile for couple of months and they've kept us busy.

So besides working my 40+ hours a week, this is what I've been up to.

Sensibility In the Time of the Internet

What is real and what is worth it in this age of the internet? Most articles I see (and admittedly, I don't always go far out of my range to read good articles) are so completely polarized or garner such polarizing viewpoints, it's a waste of time and breath to grace them with opinion. Worse, is that many people actually waste their time spouting uninformed garbage in the comments just to rile each other up.

As we move forward in this age, I'm becoming more withdrawn of my opinion; holding my cards close. Why should I even put my thoughts out there when someone is most likely going to attack me? How many of these conversations are repeated in different areas only to find the same types of people talking about it? How does one do anything about this? I'd like to think people put their opinions out there to be heard, however none of them seem to take any action on the matter and just opinionate. The hard truth is that there's probably sensibility in the middle. Both sides of the argument must be examined and the best parts must be ferreted out. At any rate, any change seen to a particular area will most likely result from collaboration or ceding lines from both sides.