Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Close Finish

Read this first:


Here's the problem that this article presents: people are stupid. Not necessarily the one in this article, but the general populous. If that makes me sound pompous and arrogant, then I'll take it.

For your consideration: the worker stuck in a rut. Their boss sucks, they don't feel motivated to work, blah blah, whine, etc. This person has probably never considered to look inside at themselves and consider for one moment that the problems in their work life could be self-induced. The same goes for some negative reviewers of businesses online. Sometimes these people aren't looking outside themselves. Sure they're paying their hard-earned money (and I've heard enough bitching from many anonymous sources for how many people barely lift a finger for their "hard earned money") for some service, but that doesn't mean that they can't have an empathetic ear to what's going on at the business. Maybe the business is swamped, maybe short staffed. These problems may not be under their control. I've read reviews that give one star to a restaurant because they had to wait a little bit for their food. That's it! Now maybe you're opinion about various services from a business are weighted differently than me, I can understand that, I can accept that, but a one star rating based on one aspect of service does not a complete review make.

I'll leave you with this one, from my days in the serving industry:

Me: Thank you for calling Simulated Italian Cuisine Dough Disk with Tomato Sauce & Various Toppings Shanty, how may I help you?
Customer: I'd like to order a pizza for delivery, how long is your wait?
Me: Delivery time is about an hour.
Customer: Ok, well, I have a flight (emphasis added) that leaves in an hour and a half and I want some pizza.
Me: Well, I would highly suggest you find someplace else to go, we cannot guarantee you that the pizza will get there in an hour and you don't want to be late for your flight.

At this point, the customer orders a pizza anyways, calls back 30 minutes later and starts screaming. I tell them they should have taken my suggestion, and that the pizza wasn't guaranteed free because it hadn't even been an hour yet.

In this situation, this idiot would probably have left a scathing review about our business. Was it our fault? No? Will they skew their review in a way that makes them the victim, assuming they could manage to use a computer? Most likely. Who's the real loser here?

I'm not advocating censorship, I'm merely stating that most reviews will be heavily biased, even the good ones, so I'm simply going to ignore the damned things.

Ugh, the masses.

P.S. One sentence reviews are terrible too. "I love this!" <5 rating="" star=""> adds absolutely no value to the rating system. So much of reviews are watered down by these abominations too!