Thursday, August 26, 2004

Where to begin??

Let's see....a little about me. I am a music nut, I will list all of my musical influences and favorite bands one of these days. I play guitar, but not very well. It's hard to find time for things like that when in college (at least for myself). I've only played it a couple of years. It is my dream to be in a band, nothing fancy, just playing local, for all I care. World domination will come later.... I've played alto sax since elementary school, and I also know the drums. In terms of genre I'm influenced by reggae, rock, pop-punk, alt., trance, house (etc.), mellow-ish music. I'm sure I'm forgetting some genre as it's quite early in the morning.

On another note, I'm kind of unorganized when I write, as I find I have a lot to say, but no organization. This is contradictory of me as a person for I'm usually a very organized person.

Moving on. I am in a "band". I've been in this band since my sophomore year in high school; me and two buddies of mine. We never practice-ever! Right now, I'm just waiting to get out of college before I really get down to the grind on that.

I just read up on the former Smashing Pumpkins @ A wave of nostalgia swept over me and is probably the reason I've chosen to write about music.

Well, until I write again...


Sunday, August 22, 2004

Krickey!!! A Whole New Beginning

Hello!! I've never done anything like this before (a mediocre if completely unoriginal start).... My name, well I'll just leave it as P-Wagz. I guess I thought I'd do something crazy like this, if I can call it such. This blog will mostly be my thoughts and reflections on life in general, questions, and if you contact me, (however that will work [I'll figure it out]) I'll humor you with answers as best I can! You can depend on me to post, oh I don't know, every couple of weeks?? I'm a student in college, so I don't always have the time to do things like this. I'll try to make this an entertaining work for years to come, as long as life throws me some loops.

Peace Out,
