Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Evolution and the Christian Ideology

The Christian stays away from science yet condemns those who "play God" with cloning genes and such, yet who cleans up after these people?

Dear Faithful Readers...

I want to delete that first sentence, because I had a lot of anger towards Christians that day, but I've decided to keep it up as a constant reminder of how I need to learn to not always speak my mind, i.e. open mouth, insert foot. I have no idea what the "...who cleans up after these people..." comment meant, but I will try my hand at what I meant. Now that I read it, I laugh at my ignorance and stupidity. The sentence makes no sense. I will continue my little endeavor below keeping respect for both sides of the argument. Also, please forgive me if you were offended, I truly mean no harm.

I was once a Christian, but I lost faith, so I know a little of both sides of this issue. I respect the fact that most Christians ARE faithful to their religion and condemn cloning because of their beliefs. It takes a strong individual to do this (I admire those who do). I suppose the only thing I can say about Creationism is that God created all living things. One thing I noticed when I was reading Genesis, was that God let Adam name everything. This is where I become confused. If there are new species of organisms discovered all of the time, how could he possibly name them all, wouldn't we know them all? Or has this information been lost somehow? I suppose if only Adam saw every organism and named them, then only he would have recognized them all. So then aren't we breaking some rule by naming them something different? Or when we give a name to an organism, is it the one predestined for it, given by Adam?

I probably shouldn't write this one until I've done reading the Bible (yes, I'm reading the entire Bible eventually). In fact, I'll just briefly describe some things I know and write about this later. I believe in evolution and in fact there is mounding evidence of this, although I can't site you any news articles off of the top of my head. If I were to convert back to a Christian, I would still believe in evolution. This is one of the reasons I lost faith. I suppose I would be too liberal for Christianity. I would consider anything pretty much God's will/plan. I'm also unclear what I truly believe in. Is it fate that drives us, or destiny that leads us? I personally feel that Christians are discriminating against gay, lesbian, bisexual, transponder people. I had this conversation with my roommate. I never considered that marriage was a sacred thing before I talked with him. Although in our society today, marriage for the most part isn't sacred. Look at the number of divorces and remarriages. Numerous people get married and it's not through a church. I do realize the sanctity of marriage for the Christian. I guess I will never understand the unacceptance. I know the Bible says that it is wrong, but I feel that is EXTREMELY close-minded. I guess that's faith, but something tells me that that is evil (not faith, the teaching).

I'll more than likely post on this again later. Please, feel free to comment. No one ever comments. I have no readers.....(:>(


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