Crooked Dagger, Straight Edge
Marketers of such products want you to think drinkers enjoy fast, high profile lives, always attracting the opposite sex; they're young and successful - things that most people, at least, Americans desire. "Partake in our richness in flavor or smoothness of character and our products will ensure your success through years of loyal use." Truly, I don't know how I would market alcohol or nicotine, but I suppose it's the way it is because people needed to keep their jobs and it's probably quite difficult to market this stuff.
The problem with this (and all marketing) is that it's all brainwashing; my apologies if this was your career path. Regardless if you actually believe the marketing, you may unconsciously or subconsciously associate the images that you see with people you see drinking or even yourself, regardless of on how small a scale.
In regards to substance use we should all do ourselves a favor and familiarize ourselves with some images of heavy drinkers and smokers or just their actions in general. If the marketing is lying to us, the least we could do is level the playing field for our brains' sake. But don't get me wrong, I understand why and where one would enjoy doing those things, as I have done some myself, but at the same time, why not try going without? On that note, I'm off for a quick nip. Never mind this post claims it is 8:30 in the morning. *hic Cheers, mates!