Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Whole New Way

The soul-vacant tendrils of advertising have clambered to a new peak! Now, you can think of the all new Enclave when you are watching Tiger Woods, having sex or smoking! What kind of far-fetched b.s. am I ranting about now, you say?

The lady friend and I were enjoying our day on Grand Avenue, when we were quickly approached and probably just as easily dismissed by someone handing out chocolate in front of Cafe Latte. I had noticed the first time I walked by that there was a vehicle with its back end open, and now I realized that it was an advertising scheme for a new car. The new Enclave was displayed with all of its grandeur and Tiger Woods endorsed loveliness. The representative simply asked us if we wanted a chocolate, handed it to us and that was all. I still have the Buick signa engraved piece here, sitting and staring at me, pleading me to partake in its gooey wonderland of cocoa and caffeine. But I hold strong, wary of it's chemical imbued powers to the point that I've convinced myself that consuming it means condoning, nay, complying with this sort of capitalist marketing treachery.

Although chocolate isn't an aphrodisiac, it's powers are within set of those associated with nicotine, sex, and, after you see the commercial, Tiger Woods.

I'm done now. Is this post quite a stretch? Yes! But it was still fun to write.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait. the chocolate is gooey now. throw it away.

Lady friend??? Was she prettier than me??? (heaving breath, hulk style)

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should really post a picture of the chocolate insignia. just in case, in a fit of desperation, you eat said chocolate.

10:47 AM  

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