Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dreamscapes VII


Giant snowflakes, rolling down the streets like upright pinwheels, rolling end over end, like an action movie, cars flipping. I actually noted the uniqueness of each snowflake as it fell and rolled by. There was an avalanche behind me.


I had another Resident Evil - type dream. I was exploring a mansion. Jenny, a woman from work, touched my hand as I walked by. I had no idea why she was there. I commented on the tour guide girl's ass as she toured me around. I tried to make out with her at one point. (If you are reading this, sorry babe!) I don't remember this part of the dream any longer, as it's been quite a while since I've updated it.

This next part, I can vaguely remember. The same night I was Cloud from Final Fantasy 7. I learned about Sephiroth, but he wasn't Sephiroth. I was in some town during this dream. I remember shooting up LDL, some chemical that is like a steroid and I needed it to pull off some feat. This is common in some video games and is known as a power-up. I mentioned that I had done this in the past and had forgotten this part of the game/situation (this has to do with what I like to call, deja-dream; where I've had a similar dream in the past and remember it). Going into a shop just outside of the mansion in town and looking for twinkling secret items that changes the future/past (this is reminiscent of Chrono Trigger). A very serene atmosphere.

In one part of the dream, I was on the very top floor of this mansion in a room with two beds. I watched television because I knew what was going on down a level below me, whatever that was. There was a room next to the bedroom that had an elevator. I walked outside the room and someone came up at one point. I remember feeling the presence of an extremely hostile evil. It was quite unnerving. I woke up soon after.

**** Look for another post referencing this dream.


I was a guest at Pee Wee's playhouse, and I was a woman (I can't even begin to describe what I think is imbedded in my subconscious after this one). We were attempting to locate some boy scout who had direction sense. Using the Pythagorean theorem, this child could know his exact position. We eventually found him by reflecting sunlight off of a cookie sheet covered with tinfoil in many different directions. As he approached, Pee Wee and I returned to the house. I mounted some sort of swing that got higher and higher above the playhouse. It worked like one of those fan carts with a wind glider attached to the top. I realized the playhouse was completely imaginary at one point. Upon examining the sides of the house, I saw a series of glass slides that morphed into bottles, only your imagination allowed you to realize their fun form and glide on them (a self realization).

Once the young man approached, I said my farewells to him and Pee Wee. Pee Wee suddenly blurts out, “Merry Christmas!" "I'm not Christian", was my reply, but he just stood there smiling like an idiot. After considering my rudeness and his cheery disposition, I say meekly, "But Merry Christmas anyway."


I was lost in the swamp with my parents. We were frantically trying to find our way to the cabin (my cabin up in Brainerd), but the path was different somehow. There were a myriad of paths extending this way and that, and at many times, I found myself flustered when I had to retrace my steps. Somewhere an ominous character was watching us.

Eventually we blaze our path, and stumble onto a huge gazebo. It had a homey sense of warmth, safety and security. It was quite fleeting when the ominous character appeared with two of his cohorts. He wanted to fight. My parents were gone now and I had some female sidekick. The main enemy happened to be using a bow and arrow. This fight, for the short period, I remember, was impregnated with video game style fighting. There was lots of energy and I felt a vigor and valor unlike I have felt in reality in a very long while. I awoke before the fight ended.


Pink dress and a thong to a Limp Bizkit concert. There is more, but that's all I'm saying about this one. I may tell you if you ask.


I was in a space shuttle preparing for lift off. All of the passengers were strapped into their seats except me. They asked me if I was going to safely restrain myself for lift off. I thought nothing of it. I wanted to feel the rush of force, momentum and inertia all at once. We took off and I felt nothing. The ship shook, but it was as though the effects of physics did not apply to me. Once we reached the outer atmosphere, everyone disengaged his or her restraints. The lead astronaut, voice crackling over an intercom, said that we were free to exit the craft into space, as there was still oxygen about. My grandpa was there, although I didn't notice him initially (he passed away a few years ago). We left the craft to behold a series of platforms that could be traversed to a larger platform off in the near distance. With no suits equipped, my grandfather and I stepped out onto the first platform. It was unbelievable. The view almost brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. The earth was a limpid pool of blue hues and rocky greens, with tufts of white clouds dabbed about. Breathing was like quite an exciting thing, since you always hear about the vacuum of space! The dream ended with a vista that was almost heavenly.


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