Monday, October 23, 2006

Nomadic Thoughts

What are politics? What is opinion? Who are we? Can you understand a fire by knowing it's physical properties? Why does it work? There are somethings we never understand. I know why a fire crackles, but to my mother, it's something completely different!

The thoughts from a drunkard at the cabin. Was it me? Was it someone else? I won't tell you. It doesn't really matter. I would have to say politics and opinion are one in the same in many aspects. What one believes as the right way to do something is their politik. Usually these opinions collect as a standardized way of thinking. Usually Republicans have a way of thinking and Democrats have a way of thinking (among the other political parties). Generally, that is. Then there are conservatives and liberals, and although Republicans tend to be conservative and Democrats stray on the liberal side, there are those who dabble in the opposed commonale. Really, by saying all of this, I'm not saying anything. Everyone knows these things and there's no new information here. The only worthwhile concept in this whole paragraph is my view that politics and opinion are similar, they coalesce. Why are we mostly a following people? Why have two major political groups ruled for so many decades? Our country was founded by rebels to a glorified dictatorship. What has our great nation become? People too often need to be lead. Someone (maybe even myself) needs to step up to the plate and revamp this country! Our world is becoming too documented. Everything must follow a procedure nowadays. Look at diplomacy. It's a joke! On a side note - to this day, I cannot follow how a monarch is dissimilar from a dictatorship; a king is appointed by God. How is this any different? Notwishstanding a dictator's inclination towards power and rule by propaganda, I just don't see it. Wait, am I still talking about the same two things? Mr. Bush has it made. He can temporarily suspend our constitution in a state of emergency. All it would take is some huge catastrophe - say like the 9/11 (which we are finding out more and more that someone knew something to prevent this, or at least help prevent it) - to throw us into something like...hmmm...a war that will never cease - I got it! Like the war on terror! Terrorism will never cease, even if it's on a small scale. Well, we are in state of emergency, now aren't we? We could suspend the constitution for an indefinite period as long as this war rages - all for the sake of SECURITY. How to ensure public complacence when the big man calls the shots? Remind them of their need for security. Remind them of their fears. We are being lead to the slaughter in such a sutle way, that it we are unaware. Call me paranoid, call me crazy, I don't give a fuck! When it all comes down, you may never see me again. I'll be the first to die for what I believe in.

I sat, a few nights ago, and pondered the question about fire. I was stumped as to explain fire. It is real, it is physical, yet it seems so paranormal. Then I used the ol' education in the field of physics to stammer out it's existence. Fire is the real release of energy by means of heat. The temperature of a certain matter reaches a combustion point, where the energy is freed and released as heat into the surrounding universe. Because matter is neither created, nor destroyed (according what I've been taught), the energy is diffused into the nearby gases, causing the molecules of air to expediate their movement. Eventually, bumping of the molecules together causes the ceasation of this energy - it is absorbed. I am at a loss to explain absorbed energy as that energy is somehow conserved. This is where my knowledge ceases and a professional should be consulted. Ah! I got it! Because the energy is released, it flows away from its source, into the atmosphere. Because one small source of fire isn't enough to heat the entire universe, the heat is distrubed so thinly that it is essentially dissapated. Sorry, I had to muscle that one out. As I've stated in the past, when I write, I can communicate better, even if it is just me talking to myself (and hopefully some of you). I still didn't answer the question, though. What is fire? Why can you see energy? Why does is show in the visible wavelengths of light? In that sense, light is energy. Then why are fluorescent light bulbs not as hot as incandescent?

Ugh! I have a feeling when the "right" person reads this, I will be utterly humbled by my lack of understanding

P.S. The bands I talked about last time have websites that I forgot to post. Go here to check out Harvey Danger. You can download their latest album absolutely free, you just need Bit Torrent to do it. The best site for Tool is here, although I think you have to go to amazon or something to sample their music. Harvey Danger is mellow alternative with a popiness that most people, I think, will like. Tool is a metal band and they are very edgey. You have been warned. Check them out!


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