Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tree of Death

Sorry I've been MIA for so long. I've been quite busy with work and everything else! I'm still trying to figure out how to recover my old information from my external hard drive. I've got a short one for you.

If you've gone to the U of M, you may have noticed an old elder tree (ash?) on Eerie St. SE across the street from Argyle apartments. It's arguably the biggest tree on campus that I've seen. It's a very interesting, if not curious, organism, in that, I usually see the deceased bodies of smammals and avians located within its close vicinity. Now this tree does not involk a sense of malevolence; on the contrary, at least for mineself, I feel a great presence of stillness and peace there. Pay this being a visit sometime, if you aren't turn-tailed by such notions. I wonder what spiritual forces drive this sort of phenomenon. Are there other places where animals find refuge to pass on peacefully to the other-realm, or is there, perhaps, a strange and hateful creature preying on these animals. I highly doubt the latter, as the bodies of the deceased are never defiled in any way, short of not having a proper burial. I suppose proper burial, in this sense, is all but a personification I impart upon our furry friends. I do wish to post again soon, but who knows if this fact will become reality. Enjoy!


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