Monday, July 03, 2006

4 Gauge

I would normally make these thoughts into four separate entities, but because I am unsure on whether or not I will expand on them, you get a pending long post.

Why do we blog? Inevitably, all bloggers must find themselves at this query. Why do I do what I do? It is an outlet for creativity in my writing. Although I'm not as formal here as I'd like to be sometimes, if I attempted larger vocabulary, I may find my audience bored. I tend to exhaust my writing with wordiness, so I need to find a way to tone that down, yet continue writing in a way that furthers my skills as a writer. I blog for other reasons that will be elucidated in another more personal post. I swear I've written another post similar to this. I detest the fact that sometimes I can't remember what I've written about - drives me crazy. I post because I want attention of some small caliber from someone strange person with whom I wish to form a connection. I think that's why many people blog - they are soul searching. Or it's because they need to vent their anger, frustrations, sadness, unbelief, or thoughts, and writing is a very good way to do that; in my humble opinion. I blog to stay away from video games, the bane of my free time. Free time is...wait-that's coming after this. I blog because I feel like I'm more in my own skin when I write. It's a representation of me as a person. In everyday exchanges, I often make mistakes in communication involving words. In my writing, I have time to reflect and to absorb and, most importantly, to edit! Hey fellow bloggers, let me know why you blog.

I'm reading the book "Wicked" (still). Here's my worthless opinion on the Gregory Maguire, the author. The man's prose is unbelievable! He writes like I think. The book can be thick with well placed descriptive wordiness, but he cuts it short in those spats, and so the reader isn't saturated with trying to decipher what he describes, yet he wades down into colloquial writing often to make certain passages quite contrasting. I flux from having to spend 15 minutes on a page looking up words in the dictionary to covering many pages a minute do to getting drawn in. Here's the kicker, though. I'm not even sure I like the book and I'm almost halfway through it. I can't put it down though. It's the most contradictory feeling I've ever gotten from a book, and I think Gregory is a genius! Chances say I like the book.
On a side note, isn't interesting that your opinion has close to no value unless you are famous or control some sort of critiquing respect.

Time~ One of the things no one has control over, well except god. (Please don't mind my blasphemous way of spelling god. We've discussed this and god doesn't care that if in one language the word god isn't glorified; a minor formality.) I hate to regress back to driving, like my other post but I'll try and make this quick. Consider this: Assuming a couple of things, by the time you've spent one fifth of your life educating yourself so you can work for the rest of your life, you spend 1/3 of your day working and 1/3 of your day sleeping. The rest is your time. Now if you drive a good distance to and from work, you are cutting into your free time. I ask many drivers this. When it is rush hour and traffic is sporadic, why do you drive 30 miles per hour? You are cutting into your free time by driving slowly. I don't think you should be racing home, but 30 mph?

Last thought. Living at home is a saving grace and it is also a nightmare. My parents constantly, with considerable restraint, I'll give them that, break into my privacy. Mostly it's their spiteful son that just needs to get over it, but hey, remember one of the reasons for blogging?

Have a happy Independence Day everyone!


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