Monday, May 22, 2006

Writing Stylus

I've been analyzing my style of writing as of late. When I first started this blog, I tended to use bigger words, probably incorrectly and incoherently, and tried to be more creative with my writing. I think there may have been more humor. I guess I still try to keep non-personal topics interesting, but I think I've strayed from my original conception of this blog and my writing style. You may have noticed the sudden political saturation of this blog, which I hope you keep an open mind to, and not turn away based on differences in beliefs and political standing. Despite that, my style has fallen like that of a marble in a bowl; it's become stagnant, and I have a notion as to why. As a scientist, if I may have the honor of calling myself such, I've been subject to readings of vast scientific topics and literature. With that in mind, I've had to write many papers in passive voice; usually revisions of these materials. Consequently, my writing, in my eyes, has become dry and cracked. I can actually feel all of your eyes drying out as you read this filth. If only I can change my writing back without spending hours of editing time on these posts. You wouldn't believe the amount of time I spend on correction and editing of grammar alone, without worrying about content and style. I just spent about 15 minutes on this paragraph alone!

On a somewhat related topic, I've discovered, no, engineered a new genre of writing. I won't tell you what it is, but I'll say this. If you enjoy crazy fantasy novels, then you will like what I will be writing. I've ventured into another hobby that will only spread my free time thinner than a sheet of atoms...


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