Sunday, April 02, 2006

Behind the Guise

What's this? Hundreds of requests to know more about the guy behind the blog? Well, okay, if you all insist! It may surprise you who don't converse with me on a regular basis, that my vocabulary is poor. Often times, I will put a word in my writing somewhere, thinking I have the right meaning, when I often don't. I check these things often on and, and I don't think I've done one post without aid from one site or the other, with the exception of my short posts like the one earlier today. I have surprised myself with knowledge of definitions of words that I somehow understood the meaning to, but have never used (well not often then). As I wrote earlier last week, I think I have some sort of neuroses that I haven't had diagnosed, and probably never will, because they don't interfere with my life, and I'm happy with who I am. I think most people have little quirks about themselves, usually in the form of leprechaun-sprite hybrids flying around near their brain, and stimulating certain synapses, resulting in things that become highly popular like the chicken dance, so I feel comfortable letting this out. Also, no stalker-like individuals (that I know of) have been reading this and leaving me freakish kink-tastic comments, so I feel my readers are all great, normal-as-allows people with interestingnesses that have great bearing in their lives! I say normal-as-allows, because no one is truly normal. If you were all normal, you'd have boring lives. Non-normalities are what make life worth living!

Another thing I was pondering whether or not to tell you all about, as I trudged through the spring Minnesotan rain with a stomach full of burrito goodness, was how I cope with death. I've was listening to Unwritten Law and this feeling of sharing this with my community washed over me. I don't know why Unwritten Law sparked this spontaneous desire, but its relevance is worth mentioning only because they are one of my more favorite bands (since this is a post about me). I have a strange way of dealing with the departing of my family and loved ones. From what I can gather (I'm trying to avoid generalizing, here) most people cry as a means of mourning their departed. I, on the other hand, do cry, but not very much. I usually have the general feeling that they are in a better place, and they have joined with the other spirits in the world beyond. I won't go into anymore detail about my beliefs of the after-life, mainly because, I haven't really sat down and thought about it - I used to have two theories. If anyone really wants to know, drop me a comment, and we'll talk. This usually saturates me with a powerful, positive feeling and I often times just celebrate their life in memories and other non-negative means.

That's enough of my craziness for one day. Oh, and to conclude the situation of the two guys talking about their drinking adventures, they chatted for a while longer, then left. They maybe studied for about 15 minutes in the 3 hours they were here.

P.S. I wrote the word "revelance" above instead of "relevance". I'm slightly dyslexic as well!


Blogger Elycia said...

I want to send a kink-tastic comment! No I'm j/k. I do hate it when people talk about their drinking fun when I'm studying...but sometimes it's pretty funny. Okay well a burrito sounds good and I'm hungry so I'm going to go eat. Maybe I'll have a burrito...(no not really, I don't want to walk all the way there).

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone requested to know more about you? Who? And are they CRAZY, I mean, are they filled with more non-normalities than most? They do know that your favorite topic of discussion is yourself and your idiosyncrasies, right? There is going to be an appetizer with dinner, right?

P.S. Good use of the word hybrid, though

8:58 PM  
Blogger captomner said...

"leprechaun-sprite hybrids flying around near their brain, and stimulating certain synapses, resulting in things that become highly popular like the chicken dance"

You are one of a kind. Thanks for being you.

11:10 PM  

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