Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dreamscapes V

Some time ago I had a work-related dream. I will probably double post this on the work blog, since no one has done anything with it for a while. We might have to delete it, as all the contributors are graduating and we haven't passed the legacy on to any younger coworkers.

This dream dealt with the Copy Center at the library I work at on campus. A few "legend" type items that you'll need for proper understanding:
1.) C. Mills is an individual who has been coming to the library for years. He's middle aged and he always - ALWAYS - wears a labcoat to give the impression that he's a doctor. He also "lives" in the library. Why would a doctor hang around the library all day, you ask? Because he actually runs one of the labs in Moos Tower (Medical/Dentistry Building), that's why! He's a lab techy! He's known in our little circle as Dr. Freaknasty due to his creepy way of hitting on 20-something girls who work at the library. He's also been known to frequent Sally's Ladies Night and try to pick up some chicks there. Apparently he's married, or was at one time. There's other incidences that highlight his creepiness, but to make this post readable in under 30 minutes, you'll just have to take my word for it - he's f*cking creepy!
2.) Procedures (yawn) - At the Copy Center, you need to grab a card that keeps track of your copies, called an auditron. Without this card, the copiers will not function. In order for us to read the number of copies on your card, you must log out of the copier using your card when you are finished with your copying, which no one except the regulars at the library can usually figure out, even though we tell people that the directions are on the back. Side Note - this has been an area of most frustration among the CC workers.
3.) Lately, workers at the library have been forced to undergo training modules for enlightenment on the proper procedures and conduct at the library. They are basically a waste of time and no one thinks they are of any use. We are required to fill out worksheets that are intended to solidify the information we picked up post-meeting. Why the library decided to implement these meetings the spring before half their student staff graduates, is beyond my comprehension.

On to the dream...
Without having a meeting, there was a C. Mills worksheet to fill out. We had to know where he worked and other personal information about him. I went downstairs to where the library had been rearranged into an area where workers could fill out said worksheets. I asked some coworkers the answers to the questions because they knew them, and I was so apathetic that I turned in the sheet with half the answers on it. I remember being fumingly angered at having to do a worksheet one someone who was less than admirable. After turning in the worksheet, I ascended to the 3rd floor to resume my work shift at the CC. When I arrived, horror like no other was laid out before my orbs of sight. There were about 50 some high school students (Let me tell you, h.s. kids are so damn annoying when they come into a college library. They think they know everything. Some of you probably remember acting like your sh*t didn't stink in h.s., I know I did sometimes!) lined up to use the copiers. Since we only have 4 copiers, my stress level started to rise because there was a huge line, and people didn't know what they were doing, and since they were all friends, it was very noisy and no one would listen to me when I tried to explain procedure. I got stuck trying to enter some h.s. kids CUFS number (Basically a number that represents a grant funding dividend for research projects which we have all the contact information on, so people don't have to pay every time they make copies, and we bill them monthly. An h.s. student would never have one of these.) And her peers would just drop off an auditron and leave without paying. I would try to scan their auditron for the number of copies, but they didn't log out properly. By the time that happened, they had fled the scene, and got away without paying. [On a side note, I've had people drop off their cards in reality and try and leave without paying, as I watched them do it!] The whole situation got very frustrating, so frustrating that I woke up angry!

I was going to put another dream here, but I'll just move it to another post.


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