Sunday, February 26, 2006

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!

What is going on in the White House? Why is the Patriot Act being renewed? Doesn't anyone see this as a HUGE infringment on the 1st amendment of the Constitution? I realize the Act's intentions are "good", but isn't this one step towards a domino effect of us losing our rights and freedoms in this country?! I am liberal, yet I support the 2nd ammendment fully. If they take away our guns, we will have nothing to fight back with if our government becomes corrupt! Who would "come and get us?" you ask? Why anyone under our governement's control, such as the military; they will only be following orders. This is why information is compartmentalized in our government. You are only told to do things without really understanding why. If the guise is "in the interest of national security", our government can use any excuse to pull some heinous laws out and smack us in the face! Apparently, this isn't the first time our government has done this to us.

This is where the fun begins.

Okay, so I'll just let feral cat out of the bag. I'm sort of a conspiracy nut, but sort of not really. That post about scary things or whatever the crap I was spouting about earlier is referring to things like this. I'm not going to go into great detail unless you contact me personally (and that's only if you know me), because I'm not sure I believe everything that's been presented in the book I've been reading. All I know if something not good is going on that is above most of our heads, and from what I've gathered from conversations with other people, they've realized this as well. The problem is proving it and maintaining some shred of credibility, because there is too much garbage to wade through to find the truth. I hate admitting this because I feel like it takes something away from my credibility as a person; it makes me seem paranoid. I present a few other ideas to you in later posts, like I said I would, but it will be intermittently throughout the next few posts.


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