Saturday, January 07, 2006

Clone Drone

Before you read this, please realize, 1.) I am angry about this, 2.) I make (many) irrational assumptions, and 3.) I just don't care. The following comes after a brief run-in with the cloning controversy.

Bush and his administration have an agenda. He should look to the greater good when deciding about cloning, not his own beliefs. In my opinion, the man focuses on what he believes and runs the country that way, not subjectively, like he should. I will sell myself short in admitting that I don't know about all the decisions he's made, but from what I've seen, I feel safe in assuming this claim. Millions of organisms, from complex mammals, to bacteria micrometers in length are killed for experiments around the world (and most not even for cloning), but they are living as well, shouldn't they have a choice? He doesn't have anything to say about them, I'm sure, because they are "just animals". The lack of ability to reason that we humans have, must also mean lack of will or want for survival, in his eyes. Human embryos are just like any other animal's embryos. Even if he looked within his own ranks, he would find religious and like-minded persons like himself who support cloning and stem cell research which can aid in finding a cure for our most damning diseases. I acknowledge that it is only a possibility that a cure can be found, but I also admit that without attempting these techniques and learning the truth, we will never know the outcome, and thus may lose to a great epidemic. Growing embryos in bottles is a bunch of conniving zealot hype. No sensible human being would do something so corrupt, so baneful. If such an individual began this sort of endeavor, then by all means, have the entirety of the human race come down and destroy him! Bush doesn't do enough for the people already living on this planet, such as environmental protection, why should he care about embryos? He's too concerned with his own ideas and what the nation thinks about him, he's not thinking outside of the circle, outside of himself. The economy is important, but when it comes down to it all, if there is no environment to sustain us, there won't be any economy, country, or life for that matter. I'm only attacking the source of insanity in this one, for I believe the world is already over-f*cking populated beyond belief.

With little fuming sparks emitting from me head,


P.S. This is not what I was referring to in my mystery post, but it will have significance.


Blogger Elycia said...

But what if we cloned some guy and then made an army out of the clones and made them smart and ready to take orders, and then suddenly they were on the bad guy side and then they attacked all the good guys? Then we'd be wishing we didn't have any clones... :)

9:32 AM  

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