Sunday, October 23, 2005

Would You Like More Blended Porcupine With That Entree', Sir?

Give me learning sir, and you can have your hamburgers...just another quotable notable.

Welcome back, me! It's been a while. I've had tests galore, among other things, so I haven't had much free time. I've devoted my entire Sunday to slacking off in style; complete with many episodes of Naruto! Last Saturday (over a week ago), I had the opportunity to see the Suicide Girls. At first, I was a little apathetic to the whole ordeal, because I didn't really have the money, but I thought that when the time came, I would have wanted something to do on a Saturday, so I signed up. Iron grace, a coworker, her boyfriend, Nemcompoop, we'll call him, Stacy Boffenkamp (this name is hilarious in that boffen means f*ck in some language other than the one being used to write this blog), another coworker, non-g/f and I set out for a dazzling evening of boobies. Now's the time to mention that the Suicide Girls perform burlesque shows (gasps from the audience). After a short drive and chilly wait outside the Fine Line, we entered and found, to our surprise that there were no tables or chairs, except in the back. I thought it was peculiar because for all the people that were standing in line for the show, there wasn't going to be enough good "seats" to go around. We waited for quite a long time, even longer than, had we been at a concert, normal. We were all surprised again by an opening band called Tsu Shi Ma Me Re, from Tokyo, Japan. I had no idea that burlesque shows had opening bands. Anyway, their performance was awesome! It was obvious that they did not know very much English, but they made by okay. The best way I can describe them is a Japanese Franz Ferdinand. They also have a ska song! The band finished their performance with much applause from the crowd, and soon after we all were left chatting about our newfound band and waiting for our boobies.

The show started a little later, and I must say the show was enjoyed by all, even people from outside our little circle. The Suicide Girls were very creative, and although I still don't really know how burlesque shows work, they did their job well. They seemed to focus on fetishes that people have. They even reenacted a torture scene from Reservoir Dogs. There was a girl who did uniforms - Army drill sergeant, and something else I can't recall. There were marionettes, a plushy/furry type fetish, and even the classic lingerie strip down just to name a few. As I watched I made note of one of those peculiarities one discovers in one's life about oneself. I am not a man's man in society's eyes. I found myself truly amazed and awed by the beauty of their bodies. It wasn't a turn on for me at all to watch them. All around me, men are wolf whistling, and shoving to get better views, and here I am, off in some land enjoying it in my own little way. Speaking of people shoving to get better views, there was this asshole, who was like nine feet tall and burly as all get out, shoving in front of everyone and who ended up behind us. He said something to Nemcompoop, which resulted in angering him. Earlier, he had been telling me how people kept shoving him over more and more and that it was grating on his nerves and that he was going to start shoving back; there were an unusually large number of people at this show as well - too many, at least too many to see well. From what the jerk's facial impressions said and the look Nemcompoop had afterward, I thought he said something to him about sharing the space after he had shoved Nemcompoop. A white-hot anger not unlike that of a samurai sword in the making flowed through me. I wanted to drill this drunken jerk in the back of the head so badly, that it totally ruined that part of the show for me. I tend to fabricate things in anger. I was just waiting for this guy to shove me out of the way and stand in front of me, so I couldn't see. Then the words of my Judo instructor echoed in my head, "You must use reasonable restraint." Sure, I won't lie, I know enough martial arts to create a 30 second choreographed fight scene in my head (which I did) ending in O-Soto-Garee (the move that can kill people if done the right way), but I thought that murder 1 on my head because I'm too short fused would be a slight hindrance for me living the rest of my life. I didn't really think of a finishing move, I didn't even think of a fight scene. I actually just thought of punching the guy. It was just fun to write all that stuff down, to be honest. Anywho, I calmed down and watched the rest of the show.

Afterward, Iron Grace bought their DVD and had them all sign it. I ended buying the Tsu She Ma Me Re CD, which totally rules! We hung around for a while longer, and then hit the road.
If you want to check out the Suicide Girls, go here. I haven't gone to this site, but I know it's not safe for work.

Hope that tides you over for now!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fight sequence was only 30 seconds (raises eyebrows -- both of them)? C'mon be honest. Also I am going to stop commenting unless my suggestions are taken more seriously. Make a list of Happy Thoughts or else. The world is full of enough anger, unhappiness and violence without your help. "Be Love" Remember? Oh and drink water.

the n-g/f

10:45 PM  

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