Thursday, September 08, 2005

Chubby Bunny, Bloated Squirrel

I'm psychotic apparently. The other night I awoke in the early hours quite disturbed. I had a dream I was on this knoll somewhere and I saw some mushrooms scattered on the knoll. In the dream, there was some construction going on and I knew that I had to remove the deadly poisonous mushrooms so no one would get hurt. Since they were excavating the knoll, I don't know why I made this decision, but it made sense in the dream. I began removing the mushrooms by bending down and lowering my mouth over them, biting and spitting them out. Because they were deadly poisonous, they didn't taste good (which is actually to the contrary - extremely deadly poisonous mushrooms are usually the tastiest ones [go figure]) and when I tried spitting them out, my salavitory glands were working their magic. I didn't want to touch them with my hands, or use them to pull out the mushrooms because I didn't want to get poisoned (touching poisonous mushrooms will never poison you, as long as you wash your hands before eating!) so I had to try and spit out these huge mushrooms. After the first one, I continued on with three other large specimens. Eventually I awoke with drool all over the side of my face. As I was regurgitating the mushrooms in my dream, I was mimicing this in reality while asleep. When I told my non-g/f, later, she burst out laughing at the incredibility of it all. This is the first documented time I know why I was drooling when I awoke.

I leave you with my reaction to it all - WTF?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a chubby bunny? "No, BLOATED SQUIRREL?" (giggles) Fungi-licious.


1:41 PM  

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