Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Cognitive Conditioning

This post is an idea that was given to my by a friend. Her post was this:
I am amazed at all of the things you know without consciously pulling it up. Like how I have the keyboard memorized, but I press buttons without thinking things like: well 'p' is on the third row and the letter on the end. Wait, this is more like conditioning. What's the difference between knowing and conditioning? Anyway, it wouldn't hurt you to consider it for just a second. You don't even have to think about the ramifications. Just think about what you use most of your days. Do you just go through the motions, or are you actively embracing and feeling every second of your day? I don't know what it means either way, so I guess I'll leave that up to you.

I won't leave her URL because I don't want to and I want to respect that she may not want any association with me....although I highly doubt it. On another note, I remember when I was original like her. Not anymore. Now I just spew special occasions and rant about shit on and on. Perhaps I'll give you all a change up soon.

Ok, so I will take her suggestion and run with scissors. I have to say that most things in my life are conditioned. Because I have a poor memory, I try to condition everyday actions into my brain. For example, within my jobs (so far) I have successfully been able to memorize protocol simply by repetition. Sadly, the jobs to which I've been employed have not required that I think outside the box, so I guess I haven't truly been tested. Because I have based most of my life on this principal, I do try to stop, pull out of my mechanized life-style, and gain an appreciation for my life. I just realized how utterly sad that is. Ha! You just gotta laugh at yourself sometimes...I wouldn't say that I condition everything though. There is some knowledge in there, but most of it is stuff that nobody except freaks like me get excited about - mushrooms, ducks and squirrels, music, nature, video games - stuff like that. **Exasperated Sigh**

Do you like my attempt at shorter posts! It keeps things oh so fresh and exciting!

By the by, today begins my final year in college as an undergraduate! I'm excited because I have only two hard classes. Of the other three, two are martial arts classes, and the other is African-based movement (the follow up to my report from my world music class last semester). Ho....Rah...



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