Sunday, September 18, 2005

Coke Zero

My lunch today consisted of a 20 ounce Coke Zero, and some fat free pretzels. I had a disturbing thought. If Coke Zero has no calories, no fat, saturated or otherwise and no sugar, what the hell gives it a sweet taste? I know sodium (which it actually has) cannot. I suppose it's the aspartame. That and the phosphoric acid, but that's a strange combination, huh?

Why can't I study? Is it years of video gaming that has rotted my mind away? Do I have ADD? What in the world is wrong with me? I was reading genetics and all I could do is imagine playing guitar. That must be my calling. Who cares what happens in the cell cycle? Give me my distored loveliness!

I find it interesting what some people worry themselves about. Today on my way to work, I overheard a girl saying to another girl how she was already "winter pale" in utter distaste. Oh, no! The harmful UV rays of the sun aren't wreaking havoc on my skin and causing mutations in my DNA that cause cancer -

This would also be a good time to say how thankful I am to have the friends I do. I just don't know what I'd do if my friends all worried about senseless stuff like that. Perhaps the newest style of jeans will ease my pain. Now if only I could afford them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So metro are you.....


P.S. my word verification was xuyopubs....I thought "Platypus" Just thought you should know.

4:40 PM  
Blogger captomner said...

TADD perhaps?

10:13 PM  

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