Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Return of Coony

Classes have officially begun again. I have opted for an easy semester of Cell Bio, Genetics, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, and African-Based Movement. So far the non-science classes are my favorite (big surprise there). I'm finally learning some of the martial arts I've loved my whole life - it's exciting! I've already learned something from Judo - if it hurts when you fall - you are falling wrong! I learned this by falling straight on my back often, when I should have been falling on the side of my back. Pain teaches the pupil very quickly. I should throw in some interesting miscellaneous info. here. Judo is the #1 most popular individual sport in the world! It has terrible popularity in the US because, 1.) We aren't that great at it (I think...), and 2.) We don't advertise it very well. Soccer beats Judo in popularity only as a team sport, so that tells you something. Where else can you throw someone 3 times your weight without barely straining yourself? Fun stuff. Tae Kwon Do is a lot of fun too. And although I like it better than Judo, so far, someone who knows Judo can probably beat an individual who knows any other martial art! I suppose that last statement is only true if the attacker isn't using weapons. African-based movement is great! It's a dance class where I am the only male in a class of about 20 some women. I hope I'm not intimidating anyone. Right now, we are building our community, meaning, we are getting to know each other, before we actually dance. This class will be more than dance though (remember my project on it last spring?), it will be a spiritual awakening. I haven't much to say about cell bio and genetics, I also don't want to bore you, other than I have successfully not fallen asleep in either of them yet! That really says something!

On my way back from ABM (African Dance), I ran into Coony again! I know it was him, because he did the same dive for the street drain, turned once inside, and poked his head and tail out and stared at me. I care not what the opposition says - Coony lives!

Some other peculiar things have happened to me this week. Someone stole my sock in Tae Kwon Do. I know I didn't misplace it because I didn't take my socks off until I was in the gym where we train. I ended up talking to a buddy of mine from my Chinese classes for a few minutes after class on Thursday, and when I went to change, I discovered that my sock was gone! Someone either has one hell of a strange fetish in that class, or I have a stalker on my hands! I don't understand what people find so interesting in me! I don't think of myself as a super attractive guy, yet I seem to encounter every woman who does. Who the hell wants my dirty sock anyway? Apparently, I had a stalker during my sophomore year here too that I had met once through a friend of a friend. She didn't care that I had a girlfriend at the time, she said something like she would steal me away. Now I wonder if she's in my class. NOOOO!

One last tidbit. My roommate AS and I met with a professor from our expository writing classes this last Friday. If you don't recall, read Story, Cult. Crit, and Expo. Writing Final Post these posts. The first two are the stories I wrote for the class, the other one gives you an idea of how cool my professor was. I thought it was awesome that a professor actually took the time out of his busy life and chatted with some old students. This is why he is one of my favorite professors. We talked about his book and some other things. He asked me if I wrote outside of class. I told him I had some ideas, but I probably wouldn't seriously write until I got out of college. He must really like my writing because he always informs me of writing contests and seems generally interested in what I'm going to do with my life. Interesting. Maybe I'll be generic and publish selections from this thing some time in the future. Ha!

I hope you all enjoy the upcoming school year, or, for those of you who work for a living, enjoy, er, working!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

good blOgggg

1:48 PM  

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