Sunday, December 11, 2005

When It Rains, It Pours

Good afternoooooon Mr. Does Not Post! Yes, I'm alive and, no, I haven't posted in a while. Shite, it's been a whole month! Well for starters, I blame my inability to resist temptation, which has resounded its effects for quite some time. I've been watching an anime called Bleach recently, and that's what's kept me busy, along with the occasional test thrown in for good measure. I have lost of things to share that I've been building up for a while now and fortunately they won't be all in this post.

First, I hope everyone has been having a good holiday season, and Happy Thanksgiving if I haven't talked to you or told you so yet! Speaking of Thanksgiving, I experienced my first Post-Thanksgiving (or Black Friday, as I heard someone else call it) shopping extravaganza this year! Although I didn't wait in lines very long, and I got some good deals, I probably won't be going out ever again on that day, due to the fact that I got in a car accident. If you recall, it was snowing like the Gods out on that Friday and on non-g/f and my way back from the Roseville mall on Highway 36, I spun out on black ice or heavily compacted snow, lost control of the car, slid sideways into a guard rail, and banged up my front end pretty badly. I have one working headlight, no brights and no front blinkers. My hood is tented slightly and its lip is curled under in one spot. I also have had to use, for lack of a cinch strap, my dog's flea collar to pull back the catch lever that ensures the hood doesn't fly up in my face while driving to get under the hood, so thanks buddy! I am very grateful that no one was hurt either! I don't have collision on my car because it's too old, and I probably wouldn't be able to afford it anyways. The damage is pendingly repairable, but I don't know until a friend of the family looks at it. This may mean I will have to buy a new car. I suppose even if the damage can be repaired, I might buy a new car, because mine has a lot of miles on it. Because of this and a few other things, such as humongous debt from college, I've decided to move back home after I get my degree. I'm pretty independent now, so I don't really want to move back home with the folks, but I'm pretty lucky that they will help me out. Did I mention I was grateful for that as well? Oh, what will life bring next?

My urban myth has become the truth! If you don't remember my post entitled University Urban Myth (it's down a ways), check that link. A girl I work with had a similar situation happen to her. She was transitioning colleges within the U, and found out that she didn't exist according to Peoplesoft (some sort of software used by the U), because she didn't attend an important meeting that was intended to help her transfer. According to them, she missed the email they sent her, and when they "tried to call her" she didn't answer and they gave up. Because she missed this meeting, they put a hold on her record, and she somehow got deleted from the U's main system. She eventually got it all figured out and is still attending the U, but I thought it was funny that they didn't send any land mail to her parents house, nor did they send a notice that said something like, "We're sorry you didn't attend ____ meeting, and we regret to inform you that you won't be able to attend the U until this has been dealt with...etc." Nope, nothing. It's like, "Oh, did you miss the memo?" Too bad, you’re gone! It just goes to show us that the sick little things my mind comes up with really happen, which means there are some sick mofos out there!

I am now a green stripe belt in Tae Kwon Do. I thought I biffed the test, but it turned out I didn't. I already know my new hyung (form) and the six new self-defense moves that will be required for the next test. I'm taking the class again in the spring, but I will mostly practice on my own, I think. I also get to go to a free Friday night class to further my learning. It's funny that this particular school was one I've driven past many times in my life, and I didn't think I'd ever end up there! I will also be attempting to TA Judo in the spring, so if anyone wants to see me and you go to the U, take Judo at 9:35-10:25!

Have a good Holiday everyone,



Blogger Elycia said...

Omgs you and I are accident twins, cuz I got into a black ice caused wreck after thanksgiving too. That is super odd, but it was bad out so that makes sense. Congrats on your green stripe belt!

7:18 PM  

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