Sunday, January 29, 2006


It's time for another installment of, I'm wasting time at work, when I really should be studying. I'll give you one of those real life posts that gives my facelessness some character. What's new? I'm taking many classes this semester: 2 Asian Languages and Literature classes to finish my minor, Biochem, Plant Cell Bio, Tae Kwon Do, African-based Movement. Then I had to drop one the classes for my minor because, one, there was too much reading (It was a graduate level class; 200 pages a week with big non-science words I didn't understand. I spent more time looking up words in the dictionary than actually reading), two, I don't read nearly fast enough to keep up (I am probably the slowest reader in the world), three, my communication skills are close to nil and the class was mostly discussion based. Not to mention there were PhD's in the class who used words I've never even heard of! Although I was intimidated, I was going to stick it out and take the class, but I've learned from experience that if I focus on my non-major classes, i.e. non-science, I fail my science classes, and thus, would not graduate this semester. This post is a conglomeration of syntactical meyhem! I am becoming more and more afraid that I will amount to nothing. I'm mediocre at everything, and a master of nothing. I truly fear that I won't achieve my dream. That doesn't mean I will stop trying but, reality is setting in. I don't really want to go to grad school, yet I feel that my wage getting out of college won't be sufficient. Maybe I should be less indulgent. I guess I'll have to see where life takes me. I didn't go to China for language study like I wanted to. I have all these things I wanted to do, but didn't. I always feel like there is enough time later for doing these things, but we all know that if you don't do them now, you'll never do them. The world is making me feel insignificant. And I'm having my once a semester freak out right now. First things first, how the hell am I going to get my minor after I get my degree? Boy, this will be fun.

P.S. Someday I will get back to my strange post that I made a while back.

P.P.S. Duck, if you are reading this, your blog has been down for quiet some time. You might want to reprimand blogger for this, unless this is part of your scheme of squirrel domination.


Blogger Elycia said...

Well you could just stay in school forever, I hear that works well. No, I'm j/k, everyone has to graduate sometime. You're just doing it before me. You could just move to china and work. That'd be cool. Or you could go to the chinese restaurant with me by harvard market and tell me what everyone is saying, because I always go in alone and eat, and they probably are laughing behind my back.
Sometime, I don't know when, there will be a trivial pursuit showdown at my place. I'll let you know.

8:30 PM  

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