Sunday, February 26, 2006

Yarn Balls

A couple of things. One, I forgot what I was going to say originally about an hour ago to start off this post. It was something about the yin yang ideology. It really wasn't anything but rambling, so don't fret, you missed nothing. Two, I'm hooked on a new webcomic, Questionable Content. I'm supposed to warn you not to view the most recent one, although I accidentally read part of it when I clicked on last and thought it was a guest comic author's rendition. If you want a synopsis, it's a web comic about an indie guy meeting an indie girl and their misadventures in life. I love it! This brings us to three. Three, in the above mentioned comic, Marten, one of the main characters, discovers a band that no longer is together. He laments (probably too strong a word) about not being able to see them live, although the particular band is good. I have to say, that I'm one of those people. I discover more bands this way. For example, I didn't truly get into the Smashing Pumpkins until they were on their way out. I did meet them, however, and I saw them live once and they are now coming back, so perhaps they are a poor example. Stabbing Westward was another band. SW is one of my favorite bands, but I will never see them perform. There is hope for people like me because Christopher Hall has formed a new band, The Dreaming. They sound similar to SW, but it's not the same. I guess I'll make due with what I get.

In other news, I attended a friend's b-day bash extravaganza last night! We ate pizza and watched Alf! Afterwards, the group of us headed over to an old friend of mine's place, whom I haven't seen in a few years. There, in the depths of his home was a DDR pad, the likes of which I had only seen in the arcade! It was big metal and shiny! I will be purchasing one of these soon...6 months soon.

I like yarn balls. I thought they were the stuff of the imagination until my friend Ghetto B.C. actually had one! I was like a kat on kat-nip in mid-July, i.e. happy (ecstatic)!


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