Sunday, February 05, 2006


The majority of people out there aren't worth getting to know. They are mostly just by-products of pop-culture. It's getting harder and harder to find real people, who aren't foggily treading through their life. Now I know some of these people are stuck in their predicaments. People who have to raise their family because their parents won't, things like responsibility and honor and courage prevent good people from truly finding their souls. They are trapped in this society. The almighty dollar is where it's at.

I love to post things that I write when I'm in a particular mood. This beautiful specimen must have been when I was in a sour mood. I also realize that when I'm angry, I'm often times irrational. Yay for evil! Although this particular statement has some truths to it, I have counter-statements to interject. The majority of people are worth getting to know, because people come from everywhere and someone new can always teach you something you didn't know previously. It is true that most of us are getting bogged down by pop-culture, myself included, but there are so many people out there, and we are all connected in many ways, it's no surprise that there are these sorts of things. The subject of this popularity is where the negativity comes in. I was referring to the television/movie pop-culture, which I must admit, I'm also a part of. It seems everyone these days regurgitates movie/television quotes and it simply eradicates originality. I'm guilty of the Simpson quoting, to which my non-g/f has made me aware. I respect and appreciate the writers of the Simpsons (the first 6-7 seasons only!) to the point where it has saturated my thoughts daily. I can pull out a Simpson's quote for almost any situation. Fortunately for individuals like me, there is help. I've made it a goal to not vocalize any Simpson's quote that comes to mind, and it's very effective! I'm losing my ability to sling up something for every situation, and now I'm just my normal nonsensical self again!

Real people are difficult to find, but they are there. The people who read this blog are all people I deem real. I myself am treading foggily through life right now, so I don't know what was up my ass that day. If I have posted all of my advanced expository writing papers, which I believe I have, there is one that focuses on children who have to raise their siblings in one part; you'll just have to do some digging to find it.

I won't touch on the almighty dollar. That will come up when I get back to my little situation problem thing (vague) that I was getting at earlier.


Blogger captomner said...

Sweet! I'm reading this blog, therefor I'm not treading foggily through life!

8:48 PM  
Blogger Elycia said...

I don't know if I'm worth getting to know...I don't really get into all the "pop culture" like watching certain shows or anything, but I guess I do go see movies and enjoy them. I don't listen to the radio though, if that's anything. But I guess I just like movies because they're fun, although I like books more. But movies get over faster than books do, which is good for me because then I don't procrastinate as much. Maybe I'm not worth getting to know, but I guess I'm okay with that. I blog about stupid things though.

6:23 PM  
Blogger P-Wagz said...

I feel that perhaps you took offense to this post? You can liken it to when you vent on your blog, so this isn't an attack really at anyone, except anonymous people I don't know. Even then, it really isn't an attack.

3:48 PM  

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