Sunday, February 05, 2006

Dreamscapes III

Time for another exciting installment of my messed up dreams. I had both of these dreams on the same night.

In my first dream, I was collaborating with a professor who had the ability to communicate telepathically with animals. He knew the location of a vast treasure of epic preportions and I just so happened to be able to morph into a crow. I was flying out over the ocean while he was telling me telepathically (I could see his head transparently in the sky talking to me) where the treasure was located. He also gave me the details I needed to recover the treasure. I had to be on the lookout for an alpha male crow who kept watch on the gems. When I arrived at the location, this sand bar out in the ocean, an enormous amount of crows suddenly took off into flight from the bar. All that was left was a lone crow, which I assumed was the alpha crow. I landed on the little island and didn't have trouble finding the gems inbedded in the sand. The alpha male crow didn't bother me because my ability made me a female crow and he was looking to me as a possible mating partner! I collected the gems in my beak, then swallow them all. As I flew back, I noticed the alpha male crow following me. I landed back near a hotel on the beach where the professor was waiting for me inside. The next part is a little blurry since I had this dream long ago. I think the alpha male crow tried to mate with me, but I turned back into a human. I entered the hotel and found the professor with my grandmother, they were on a date of sorts. I asked where my non-g/f was and he told me on the fifth floor and directed me to just take the elevator. I entered the elevator which was rectangular in shape. There was a door in front of me, and a door behind me and a smaller door on each of the sides. As I reached the 3rd floor, some people got on. On the forth floor, this lawyer tried getting off the elevator while it was ascending through one of the side doors. He had to time it right, otherwise the structure of the shaft would cut him in half. He made it through alright, and I got off on my floor. When I entered the room with my non-g/f I vomitted up the gems in the bathroom sink.

In another dream later that evening, I was a Rescue Ranger. I had to go into a small underground nook. It wasn't very big, I'd say about 10-20 feet long, and I had to get by these rats and a large dog, to rescue a couple of kittens. I crept by the rats and got to the cats. Fortunately, the black dog was sound asleep. I think I told the kittens that I was there to rescue them. As we were on our way out, the rats noticed us and said to me in a loud shreaking voice like Christopher Lloyd in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" when he goes insane at the end, "you wanna know why we separate the two babies from their mother? So we can KILL them!" This awoke the dog, who started barking and chasing us, I managed to get the cats out of the nook and into the Ranger Plane, but I wasn't able to get inside and was hanging on a rope as we were flying away. I looked down and noticed that the dog was Shadow. As he jumped up to snatch me from the air, I turned into my real self and as he approached, he put his head in my lap, and I pet his head.

I always thought that those departed from this world communicate to us through our dreams, so I think that's Shadow's way of letting me know he's okay. Also, I found it humorous that the Ranger Plane could somehow sustain my weight as a human.


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