Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dreamscapes IV

1/31/06 Dream

Definition - Focus group: a class designed to help students complete make-up assignments held every Wednesday afternoon at my high school. It was also the very first class you would go to on the first day of school after summer vacation. Eventually they evolved into slacking off sessions, where you could go goof off in your favorite teacher's room. Some teachers allowed watching movies and listening to music. I found it useful, not only for those ends, but for going to the band room to practice drumming and sax.

I was headed to Mr. H.'s focus group and it was the first day of my last year in high school. I was very excited. I was walking around the halls carrying books because we had no locker assignment yet, but no one else seemed to be carrying anything. I said "hi" to many people I knew; most of them were old h.s. friends that I hadn't seen since last year. Soon 20 some fellow students and I were piling into Mr. Hatchner's class to fill out some survey: I remember the survey asking my coursework in college, my major and some other things I don't remember. There were short pencils in front of me in various lengths, yet all very stubby. These were given to me by Mr. Hatchner and some fellow students. I think SNL was on the television while we filled out the forms. I remember SNL (a show that I find very unamusing) never being so entertaining. The show went on comercial break and I remember getting sucked into the television.
Suddenly I was falling; I landed on a platform of stone cut from what looked like stone from a store in the Quarry, or any other strip mall built in the past 5 years or so; it was about 8 feet wide and very long. As I lifted my head, I saw a man about 50 ft. down the platfrom, garbed in black and flanked by two other men, whose faces I couldn't see. The leading man, who seemed to have some position of power, bore the face of my old Copy Center supervisor. I got up and started walking towards him, but had poor balance. As I stumbled toward him, I shot a glance over the side of the platform and saw a surreal landscape; a vast sea stretching as far as the eye could see, hundreds of feet below me. The sky was set as a blackness fading into some ambient silver light eminating from below the horizon, casting a silvery glow all around. We exchanged some brief, but indistinguishable words. Soon I was facing away from him and...
Note- this is what I wrote down the morning of the dream. The rest I have to speculate because I don't quite remember the details.
I remember their being a set of large stone stairs leading down behind me (from my original vantage point). Somehow, suddendly, I was holding on the underside of the steps, dangling above the water below. I had somehow fallen through the stone and grabbed on to something before I fell. My old supervisor had some sort of magic powers and he had guided my course to this point. I somehow pulled myself up through the stone, and before my old supervisor could do anything, I ran down the stairs, which ended abruptly in thin air, leaving nothing but the vast sea below. I just kept going, and as I reached the end of those stairs, I was warped to another area/world/existence.
I now was standing on a stage set in a world of green. Everything was green in different shades, with the exception of people's skin, the stage and a few things in black. I stepped off of the stage and I remember there being the closed off, walled area, about 1000 feet long, and 50-60 feet wide, roughly. Along the long end ran something resembling a ski lift. People I knew were on some of the lifts. The lift was just high enough that the foot rest bottoms were not dragging on the ground (from some side notes to help me to remember the rest of the dream [which it didn't], G.B.C. was there, and my roomate D.M. and some of the guys that frequent my apartment. I think D.M. was playing some sort of video game; either PSP or GBA). After seeing them and saying "hi" I went back to the stage, which now had benches in front of it and there were many people watching a performance. The performers - both children and adult women - were all brainwashed and singing monotonously. Suddenly I thought that something was awry. A can of some aerosol chemical was in my hand I started spraying it on the performers. They came to, and a women yelled after me, "We don't want to be evil again!" as I ran off. As I ran from the stage I bumped into my friend Nate and his brother. I don't remember what happened here. After the gray area, I remember I was running for my life as my old supervisor and about 20 other men, all garbed in black capes and masks, flew after me. Saving those people from their brainwashing obviously had serious consequences. I was running all over the area trying to avoid them, but people kept pointing me out. The last thing I remember was I ran to the right of the stage. About 30 feet off and back 20 some feet from the stage, was a landing 6 feet off the ground with stairs leading to it. I ran underneath the platform and behind the stairs, and was unnoticed by my old supervisor and his men, who ascended the steps to the landing. They were conversing about where to search next. As I looked up, I had the power to see through the solid stairs and I could see my old supervisor's face. He looked down as if to look at me, and then suddenly they all flew off in another direction.


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