Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Balance, Actually

I just recently viewed "Love, Actually". I think it is a good movie, but my non-g/f thinks it's the bee's knees. I don't know if I think it's that great, but definitely worth viewing. I noticed something in this movie that is also brought up in the movie "Dogma". Both of these movies start out in an airport and both have commentaries either by characters or narrators about human interactions at the airport. Because "Dogma" is a comedy, it, of course, has a satirical stance on these interactions, while "Love, Actually" focuses on the honesty of these situations. It is interesting that the narrator in "Love, Actually" claims that there is so much love in the world, based on the interactions of individuals in the airport - people return home that are greatly missed, loved ones are reunited, you know the goods. As much as I would love to agree with this view, I cannot. I am keeping in mind that this is a love movie and any attempt at the destruction of hearts or any other traumatic incidents occurring involving love are not in the minds of the writer(s). This also makes this post a complete waste of time, now that I really think about it, but I'm going to say what I came to say anyway. If you compare what happens in "Dogma" (I believe that Ben Affleck or Matt Damon says something about how the girl of a reunited couple cheated on her man 3 times while away), to that in "Love, Actually" you would consider love a balanced option. This of course is only my belief of the balance of the world.... I really don't know if I'm going to keep this post. I don't think I like it. I should have something written that I think is bad. At least I know that I'm human like everyone else this way. Blech! I hope you despised this post as much as I!


Blogger Elycia said...

The interesting thing is that now they don't let you into airport gates to meet people. So all of those things just vanished into thin air, because by the time you see the person that you're picking up from the airport, they already have bags and stuff and thus it's less cute and romantic. But it was a good movie....I want to be the octopus in a xmas play! And dogma was a better one. Although not on tv.

8:51 AM  

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