Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Not Just Numbers

This is a post to most of my friends. If I added all of you, I'd have a novel. If you think you know your number, post your guess, and I'll tell you if you are right or not. Most of you will never read this post. If you guess and you aren't on here, I will add you on (if you want)! With your permission, I will put your name down, and then the "mystery" can be solved for those who want to know who's who. The order of #'s doesn't matter. This is not a hierarchy. I will update this as my capacity allows.

1. You are one of the three. You are 1/3 of who I am. Your represent my positive side. When I loose all hope of what positivity means, I think of you and know that no matter what, there will always be good in this world. It's fun being a dumbass with you! Love you bro!
2. You are one of the three. You are 1/3 of who I am. You represent my negative side. You've pushed the envelope with me more than anyone ever will. The little bit of spine I have is a result of you. Love you bro!
3. You are my female half. You've taught me more about myself than anyone. It sometimes scares me how much we are alike, yet how very different we are.
4. I think we will always have our differences. I don't respect you very much, but it's misdirected, because I don't know you very well. You have a good heart, deep down.
5. I met you by chance. I think you are awesome. I wish I saw more of you. I owe you a lunch.
6. I miss you, but you have "come back" from where you left off, so I will soon see you again. I think we will have to go camping at least once. I need to see what you are made of.
7. You are probably the only person nerdier than I. You're awesome. You are probably the strongest guy I know.
8. You almost destroyed me. It wasn't your fault, though.
9. You made me realize that I had no idea who I was. I tried to copycat you into me, and it failed miserably.
10. You represent a spiritual side of me, although our beliefs differ in almost every way - now. I will always back you up!
11. I think you are an awesome artist! You are nerdy and cool, and...artist...ee...You love RBF more than anyone I know; probably including myself.
12. I know it's your favorite element, but when I think of you, I think fire. You can be abrasive sometimes, but it's what I love about you.
13. You are one of my best friends, although you cancel plans with me more than I like, yet I understand your situation. The day draws near!
14. I feel you are a kindred spirit, but we've lost touch. I think once we start talking more often, we'll realize we have more in common than even I think we already do. Your mom's food is the fucking bomb-tiggity.
15. You are my good friend from back in the day. I'm glad I found you again! I had that golf glove you gave me up until this year. Everybody's doing the fish!
16. You are my good friend from long ago. I was an asshole to you the last time I saw you. If I can ever find you, I need to apologize to you. I'm sorry!
17. You are the happiest guy I know. Never lose that side of your character!
18. You are a great person, despite your own views of yourself! You've been a great friend for many years!
19. You've taught me much and in only one semester! Good luck with your books!
20. We used to philosophy in high school. You've since become quite the business man!
21. You and I used to talk to each other using the most insane vocabulary. I still don't think I knew half of the definitions of the words I used.
22. You were my first girlfriend. I've actually tried to look for you, but to no avail. I'd like to see where life has brought you.
23. You are a weird chick, but I think you're so totally awesome! I never know what to expect from you!
24. You think that Prince is better than Oasis, but we both know you love those dirty Brits! I don't know what else to say about you that won't embarrass the hell out of you. Old, crazy cat lady, that's all I'm gonna say.
25. I can't listen to an indie album without thinking about you, probably because the majority of my indie music is from you! You travel more than anyone I know, except maybe my cousin. I'd like to go somewhere with you, just because I know you could handle the spontaneity, when I'm unsure if I could.
26. You are totally organic. I feel the earth when I read your words. I think you've found more about yourself recently. Welcome back!
27. I miss rollin' with you. We got that trip to Europe coming up!
28. I consider you a good friend although you may not know it. After years of not-living living with you, it only makes sense.
29. Tugg's beckons...voice still cracking? I know mine does all the time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

11 would be me, V?

1:43 PM  

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