Monday, July 17, 2006

Dissimilar Persuasion

Ok, here's the final follow up. The post will consist in chunks. Every chunk as a paragraph of notes, then a paragraph of actual writing. I'm being lazy and letting my writing flow. Fuck the formalities tonight. If you would like a better example of my writing, look to the past, newcomer.

Spacial Void was sort of a little prep to what I was referring to in Focal Triangular Prisms of Doom.
Basically I'm talking conspiracy. But I've moved past that, it's all possibility, it's all paranoia, it's all in your head, or it's your head in the world. You decide if the handful of men ruling this world are trying to further our race or destroy us. I fear we are all ants to the queen. We will be sacrificed for the more pure - the clean genes. Onward to oblivion...This post encompasses many thoughts; a tome if you will. Enjoy.

World-wide devastation. Not being able to help. Hopelessness. The need for world unity.
I feel the world is on the brink of destruction. There are many reasons for this, and not all of them deal with resources, but many of them are consequences of resource loss. As our populous grows, even our renewable resources shrink, things become scarce, price rises as demand overwhelms, wars break out for what's left. The warlords need do nothing, as they are the most important, the food will always be on their table; we only await their decisions, well or ill. I won't even go into holy wars. I thought they were a bunch of hoo-haa, but really they are fighting for what they believe; the same we did when we established this country. I think it's funny that Osama hides and orders his "brothers" to take out America, yet he sits in hiding. If he were a true leader, he would of suicide bombed his ass off this mortal coil long ago. I feel helpless because I would have to assume the position of leader to solve this, and I can't do it (more on this below). I think it's hopeless because the populous won't see it until the end. They will hear the warnings and ignore them, until it's right there. Please don't assume I don't do all that I can to help stop this, because I do. I would strive for unity, but I also fear it. If the world was united, there would still be leadership, and that leader would be the ultimate dictator. Can you see where that will head?

Conjugation in bacteria, the dial soap problem, mouth wash, world pandemonium. This is also referring to biotechnology. Plant species that are resistant to things, yet gain the weaknesses of other things.
Bacteria, for those of us who haven't waded through the life sciences have the ability to conjugate. Basically they suck up genes called plasmids from other bacteria. Plasmids are circular genes that often contain resistance alleles on them. For example, an E. coli that's resistant to chemical x can give E. coli not resistant to chemical x, resistance. Thus, antibacterial soaps are a pandemic waiting to happen. I should add that bacteria don't need to get resistance from other bacteria, as they can become resistant on their own (if you want a further explanation, I'll go on, but comment because it'll take a small course in biology to explain it to you; really I don't mind! [I'll get something out of this education yet!]) Either we continue to develop chemicals that can kill bacteria or we stop using this idea. Really, when you wash your hands, the friction is what kills the bacteria, not the soap (except in antibacterial soaps). The soap is what binds to the left overs and allows them to leave your hands.
GMO's or Genetically Modified Organisms are a blessing and a securing to an early doom. GMO's can acquire things that the original organism couldn't normally get. For example, there is a gene to help tomatoes from overrippening. What scientists are finding out is that while you may graft a gene that benefits an organism you can accidentally graft the other organism's weaknesses into the hosts genome as well. Oops. This science has already seen the effects of decreased diversity, so it now trying to convince local farmers in struggling countries to grow native plants (in this example) so our current diversity can remained established.

Differences between people who think they are above everyone else, who don't care what other people think, and people who could care less how their actions inflect upon others. There is also a difference between wisdom, intelligence, arrogance, and ignorance. I'm one of those people who thinks they know it - who thinks they have it, but doesn't admit it (well, until right now), but actually is too naive and innocent to grasp the ways of the world and of its people.
This paragraph pretty much says it all. I thought it was beautifully put. This ideal that I have is what breeds indifference in people. I used to think I would be a good leader, but I fear my own corruption. I hate power more than anything. I think the best route is to level the cities (sans the people, of course) and make amends with Mother Nature. I'll be damned if I'm not Pagan at heart.

The "I don't give a fuck" mentality and it's downfall to society. The people it breeds.
Although it's good to be yourself and not give a fuck what others think, it's another thing entirely to never give a fuck and perturb the ways of others with this dogma. I see way too many people like this these days. I don't know what else to say about this, it just sends floods of rage into my being.


I finally finished this rant. Oh, but there will be more.


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