Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Knife in the Back


So here's out to most politicians. Pull your heads out of your asses! Quit slandering each other through commercials. Stop wasting thousands and thousands of dollars to endorse a message that is completely negative and instead pump it into something worthwhile. Why not donate all that money to a charity? Why not give to those who actually need it, instead of making a asinine attempt at brainwashing the public to get your vote? Why not show why we should vote for you with your philanthropy? What a bunch of fucking children! ARGH!

The next time someone tells me not to vote green and/or independent because I'm "throwing my vote away" and letting the republicans win, I'm slapping them! Bipartisan politics are so atrocious. The sick, twisted, and unbelievable part are the people who vote because they follow the party. They don't make an informed vote; they just throw their voice away because that's the way they've always done it, or that's how the parents voted when they were younger and they never bothered to actually think and make a sound decision. To those of you who make sound voting decisions, where ever your vote lies, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Do away with these ne'er-do-wells and lets start acting like the country we were founded to be! At the very least, let us be rid of the two major parties, or the people in them, that have been running this country since the beginning (please excuse any negligence on my part to research how long the Democratic and Republican parties have actually been in majority).


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