Monday, June 11, 2007

Dreamscapes VIII

Red Swirl April '07

I was being possessed by a demon called Red Swirl. I didn’t know I was possessed and I initially thought that my parent’s basement was haunted, until later, I had a revelation and just knew.
I was in my parent’s basement trying to move or clean and everything I picked up was bent, twisted or thrown from my hands by this entity like clothes, hangers and boxes. Something (I say something because it was some sort of insect or small creature - Jimminy Cricket comes to mind right now, because I think he was wearing a top hat) later in the dream told me he knew what was going on. This creature just appeared in front of me and told me there was a spirit that he had talked to before that had possessed me and said that it called itself Red Swirl. He proceeded to excitedly/fanatically hold up a DVD with an anime-themed cover speckled with white and red shapes in a swirl, his eyes aquiver with tears of joy. This anime was apparently the story of Red Swirl or what he was based on.
The dream was disturbing only on a light level. I never really felt threatened by Red Swirl, but I remember that it got more violent with the way it interfered with me as the dream progressed. Boxes flew further across the room and things were ripped from my hands more aggressively. Now that I think about it, it's exactly like Naruto - he's possessed by a demon fox, who's energy is red in color. That's where this came from.

South American Dream - 4/19/07

I was traveling in S. America with a group of people. The specific people in the dream changed as the dream progressed. The first group was a bunch of chicks and myself (yehaw!). The weather was not tropical, it was sunny and warm, but not humid. We were going around to shops and talking to people. I had never heard the language the locals were speaking - it wasn't Spanish. J.And. was there with her boyfriend and we were talking about something, but I can't recall.
When the group left this shopping area, it was me and three other guys I didn't know, who climbed in a jeep and drove down a jungle road to our next destination. As we were driving, I looked down to see that almost the entire car was submerged in water, but we were able to keep driving at quite an appreciable speed. I looked up to see what my surrounding were like and noticed that we were driving down a river, or so it seemed. It was more like the flume and I remember feeling filled with excited energy. I asked the driver how the engine could run with no oxygen, but he said he didn't know, so we began jumping while grabbing the vehicle, thinking that momentum from our jumps combined with the suspension system would pull the engine out of the water long enough to get some oxygen to the pistons (like that was going to work). Eventually, or should I say somehow, we arrived at our destination. I love how certain parts of my dreams are logical, while others tend to utter nonsense.
We goofed around a lot at this next location, causing havoc among the locals. An authority figure in the likeness of Seymour Skinner appeared, told us that we were in for it, and ordered us to follow him. I was with one other guy who was leading the way, and I followed him through some buildings which lead to a medium sized stage. The two other guys I was with showed up shortly after. The authority figure stated that since we're so good at goofing off, we were able to secure a spot at a stand-up comedy club as a group. I remember getting even goofier after this point and being able to deliver witty jokes with precision and ease. After we started our bit, we realized that no one understood our jokes, so we had to explain what stand up comedy was to our audience. After this "understanding" the audience began to like us. Wow. I don't know anything about stand-up and I am not a witty person, so this dream was quite fun - I had "powers" I don't normally possess in real life.

Dream with JP and I in a Calculus 3 class. The auditorium where the lecture took place was the same as my high school's only the stage was from the main gym. I couldn't understand anything of the subject, like my brain had turned off and I was feeling very much an outcast due to everyone else's understanding.

Elemental dream 4-10-07 - I've considered sending this idea into video game developers. I can still visualize the graphics and everything! It was dreamt as a video game.
4 kids collect four crystals each color representing an element (Final Fantasy, anyone?). After getting a sword (Secret of Mana?), they venture to a volcano where they get the idea to swallow the gems (Mystic Quest?). Each gem endows them with the personality of the elemental in the crystal and they gain special powers.

Baby seal dream at cabin 4/8/07
At my cabin, some kids on jet skis were rounding up seals. They managed to get two white snow seals and a brown seal. They only wanted a means of entertainment through antagonization of the seals. I was on the dock and they approached me to sway me into helping them. I agreed but only to get one of their jet skis and aid the poor seals. I feigned helping them so they would skitter off to other parts of the lake, while I released the seals they captured. They figured out what I had done and returned to stop me, so I had to try and interfere with them directly. My attempts failed, and they were upset, but they didn't react violently, and just told me to get off of their jet ski so they could take it away. I went into my cabin and called the DNR on them. I was quite livid.

Jamaica dream 3/18/07
This one started with Al Pacino as Jason (Friday the 13th) getting killed by a gang of dudes, and coming back from the dead as CAS to exact revenge. This must have something to do with CAS's affinity towards horror flicks. I remember walking the beach and seeing Al/Jason/CAS occupying the end of the beach near some huge cliffs. There were graves in the shallows of the sea nearby (common knowledge). Al appeared to be searching for his murderers. He managed to find them, befriend them, and talk them into exploring the graves in the shallows for some treasure or item of value. They didn't recognize his resurrected form so they didn't sense any danger. The particular grave he asked them to explore is one he had dug a huge cavern out of in the sand so that when they explored it they would drown. I didn't wait around for the carnage. (I tend not to have nightmares).

I was chilling on the beach later, sun tanning and even though I used sun block, I had one of those totally fried tans - you know, the ones where a white man looks dark brown. As I sat relaxing, I watched a group of people having fun by flinging large inflatable dogs hundreds of feet in the air across a building further back from the beach using water balloon launchers.

As I sat there, a wall suddenly built itself along the length of the beach. It was a patio or walkway on top of a 10 foot wall that gets put up after a certain time of day to prevent ne'er-do-wells from harassing the tourists. I decided to take a walk on the pathway. I followed it into an area where there were the roofs of grass-roofed bars all around, and I noticed some tiny cameras with leaf shields obstructing them that intermittently moved so the camera could record whatever situation happened to be in front of it. Because the roofs were close enough to venture out on, the cameras were used to prevent people from walking out onto them. Unfortunately, I was already on the roofs and that's how I discovered the cameras. Something called to me out on those grass huts. I was beautiful and I felt quite at home. It reminded me of those secret hiding places I had as a kid, where you go to fell calm and secure.

In this dream, I was camping in the woods. There were bears knocking off honey combs on the ground and I recall a bear licking my feet after I had put a load of butter on them.
I was camping with the g/f, GBC, and JM.
Initially, I was driving my car and at some point I came to an intersection which turned into a bridge. The car was suddenly now a cart and my friends were going to push me down a hill.
I flew in the dream! In the field next to where we were camping, I had a flying/gliding apparatus no bigger than the roof of a small birdhouse that was tied to my back by some fishing line. When the wind would catch it, I could lift way off of the ground and I was flying for several minutes. I started to feel breathless as the longer I flew, the higher I went and the longer it was before my feet landed on the ground. It was absolutely fantastic and totally unreal!


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