Thursday, October 04, 2007


Post from long ago (5/7/07)

I feel like everyone I know is moving away from me and it shouldn't affect me negatively but it is. I am happy for all of my friends, but they indirectly make me feel tied down because they are free to move around. I feel that with my job, I'm stuck where I'm at, and I can't travel anywhere and really feel free. Maybe when I'm out of debt I'll go scurry off into the world.

Now I'm going to get off subject for a bit. I've found that the more debt you have, the harder it is to get out of it. With all these payments and things coming from every direction, you have fewer and fewer "free" funds to allocate towards paying things off in larger chunks. Ever wonder why with all of the debt you have, you manage to just make due? Maybe this isn't the case for everyone, but I think many people have it this way. It's almost like all of the loan companies and credit card bureaus/companies have devised some sort of devious plan to always keep you just above water with your money and payments.

All right, back to it. I have a friend who's leaving for Europe and then Africa in the next few months to experience the world for about a year (she's actually back now). A close friend of mine is just beginning college soon and even though the college is close by, he will be distracted with that for a number of years (it's not as bad as I thought it would be). My other good friend has a baby and his time, as much as I think he doesn't want to admit it, is going to be shrinking in availability. Another college friend is in Madison for the summer, maybe longer, working at an archaeological dig site. An old friend who I've been in and out of touch with over the years is moving to New York for a few years. He's engaged and I'm truly very happy for him, but I'll miss him all the same. He'll be back in two years or so, so I await his return. Man, I tend to overdramaticize things...

Now, my selfishness aside, I'm actually very excited for all of my friends! What adventures they are all going to be going on!


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