Monday, September 03, 2007

Dreamscapes IX

5/26/07 - Apocalypse - Swimming in the ocean along some wire or rope out across from the shores of a big metropolis in the black night, I had someone on my back, and I was pulling us across this rope to the other side, trying to escape something. The rope was parallel to the shore, so I had no idea where it lead. At one point I was worried that sea creatures were going to attack us, but they never came. I imagined huge tentacled beasts with dragon like heads snapping us up for a treat as I hauled us along. There was no one else around for quite a while until we pulled up near this half-submerged, small old-fashioned ship. There were people on it panicking, trying to get off and away from the ship as if it were their impending doom. I think we climbed aboard for a moment to find out what was going on. I didn't occur to me to tell the people that there was a cable in the water they could grasp on to if they couldn't swim. This half-sunken ship was only feet from the shore anyway.

Second dream - I was somewhere that looked like Margaritaville in Negril Jamaica. There were these three foreign women, one of them who had a huge crush on me. She appeared later in another segment of the dream. I can't elaborate on this one any longer. It's been too many months since I've written to remember this.

Third dream; Bar in the City - CAS, H, and I were in a city trying to get into a bar, but we couldn't enter the bar from the same side of the street as the main door. For some reason, they wouldn't let us in if we tried to enter the side door of the bar either, so we had to cross the street, and act like we were approaching the bar for the first time. There was a reason for this - I asked H and CAS, but I don't really recall now what it was. It had something to do with the bar having an insect infestation previously - we could cause another infestation if we went in that door.
The bar scene was cut from the dream like a sitcom that didn't want to showcase it. After the bar, we went to CAS's apartment. He had this huge counter top and drawer space and H and I were obsessed with how much room he had, especially in the city, where apartments usually had little open space. We left to go back to the city to buy something to eat stopping at a food shelter to get some food. H bought a can of chili she had been craving that we actually donated the day before. It cost her $6 - it was Campbell's Chunky chili. CAS bought some sandwich, and I don't recall eating anything.

Late at night, my new car gets broken into outside of my parents' house, but there's nothing to steal. The car was undamaged and they didn't try to steal the car itself. This is the final dream of someone stealing something in this past month of dreams. I think these dreams came on because I had just bought my new car a month prior.

Saw Splender at a small bar with CAS and H. I was deleting pics out of my camera so I could take pictures of them. I realized in the dream that they were broken up (which is true in reality) so this was a special treat. CAS got up on stage to talk to the band and help them out with something (this is insane, because I'm a huge fan of this band and for me not to have done anything is very strange). Later, we left and I talked to CAS about having a career as a music tech. on our way to the U. At the U, we happened to run into TK (CC) and her male friend, Heather. We sat and talked about indistinguishable things. I remember ordering a muffin with a pop/soda//coke/carbonated fructose phosphoric acid beverage (to fit under the umbrella of different ways of ordering) by the end of the dream.

A baby was killed outside of Chris B.'s house during a local track meet. The mother was understandably hysterical. It was a very disturbing and sad dream. Not one I really want to go into detail about

Second dream, probably because the first one woke me up - I was a giant and I was walking down Logan Ave. (near my parents' house) with some other guy my size. We were trying to get to school. We walked through some guy's yard as a shortcut and as I was mentioning that we not take the route because the owner of the yard had a large dog, the creature was suddenly blocking our way, so we turned around, only to meet the owner of the house on his way to work. He wasn't angry; he even tried to give us directions, but I ignored him as we walked on.

The following are bits from a dream about a civilized party:
I was there with Gator and JB (CHN). JB approached and talked to me after he noticed I was outside for quite a while just sitting there observing all of the people. I forget the conversation.
I walking around the mansion stopping for a whiskey coke at one of the many drink kiosks talking to JM (HS).
Telling a ritzy lady at the party about my views of America and why there's nothing wrong with the nation, but the people are the problem.
The police eventually came to break up the party causing one of the hosts to shoe all of the people away. There were thousands of people at the party as well as four huge families who played host who lived at the manor setting this dream was taking place. The families were the main "attraction", almost as if the attendees were at a freak show. We were ordered to leave because the police were searching for someone or something. I remember thinking, "This is just like the movie!"
H and I escaped (although she wasn't there earlier in the dream) without being searched by the police. Her mom brought us back to the mansion later and waited by the car after we told her we were going back. We snuck back up to the manor to see what was going on. When we got back there were hundreds of brand new cars, most of them blue and most of them SUV's. As one of the servants of the manor saw us, he motioned us in the back of one of the huge garages housing all of the vehicles and showed us a new sky blue Toyota Prius that we received as a prize for coming to this function. I think at this point, the police were making sure the cars were all given to their appropriate new owners.

Previous to the party dream, I was in some sort of ship, sneaking past these huge praying mantis insect guards. There was canned laughter emitting from somewhere, so I concluded that I was part of a sitcom. Some chick successfully crept past the guards without any problems, but when I did it, they sensed me and came after me.

5/6/07-5/12/07 - A person tries to steal my new car out of my driveway. I had returned home from CAS's and caught him in the act. I remember doing some crazy tae kwon do on him, at one point breaking out the nunchakus.

5/6/07-5/12/07 - MD (DNC) and I were at a mall hanging out. We saw some suspicious dude walking around and realized that he's a shoplifter. We formulate a plan to I apprehend him and put it into action. The thief catches on to what we are doing and tries to escape. MD blocks an exit and I engage in some sort of grappling with him. I eventually pin him, but I'm at a loss what to do with him as he struggles for an escape. I waited for MD to help out since he knows Aikido, but the thief escapes my pin and eventually gets away.


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