Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Where You At?

It escapes me the last time I wrote something specifically about me on this blog. It's been a lengthy expanse of time at the least. My apologize for any repetitions. I think this post was the last one.

Well, I'm back with non-g/f. We will just call her g/f from now on and not be stupid. I have since moved into an apartment with her, and out of my parents', where I was living for a few months after college. I have two guinea pigs, Linny and Libby, who I spoil completely rotten (I do hope no one is surprised). Maybe I'll post some pictures; I don't know though, everything is slow moving when it comes to me and the internetz these days. Also, I've since been hired full time at my place of business and I totally love it!

As far as the dream goes...priorities have shifted and so have thoughts, ideas, and philosophies. I have decided to be an instrumentalist and play with whoever and whenever I can. It's too difficult to always turn down opportunities because I'm in a "band". Now, there's no hard feelings towards the guys, I just think it's too difficult to get everyone together and actually practice on a regular basis, now that we all have our own lives.

As far as furthering my education, I've really given weight to to the idea of returning to graduate school. I love what I do, but I want to be developing new ideas, not just running assays like a robot. Although I haven't decided exactly what my specialized area of expertise will be, I think I will keep music and writing as hobbies and not areas of intense study. Writing is easy enough as an outlet for my creativity; I don't think I need to go to school for it. This blog is easy enough to publish my writing on and the book I'm writing will take years. If the band thing happens, it happens. I could perform for my friends and be happy that way. I think I've realized that it's easier to just ride with what life gives you, rather than promise yourself things that you haven't put enough effort towards and let yourself down.

This is where I'm at right now.

Bring it on......


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