Friday, August 25, 2006

Drop in the Cup

This is something I wrote...

Do you want a drop of reality in the cup?
Can you remove you from your foundation?
Turn the inside core out to the outside, flip it upsidedown? (turn to a frown)
I don't expect many of you to follow where I'm going
To follow with your life, let it go flowing
cause what I'm supporting isn't gonna be fun
Let go, release it, hopefully we won.

To taste your consciousness in a sober state
No drink, no smoke, do not hesitate.
Do deal with the shit in a down-to-earth fashion
Is more than I can take!

Because this earth, she is dying
So many of you lying
to yourselves and everyone you know
These faults, this filth, that's in tow - a row of oblivion jumps abound
just waiting for the next time fractioned round

'Cause by the time you realize this
This place will be sour - this
Life that you live and everyone you know
There will be nothing left, none of it left, our reality, a fading coal.

By the time the ember extinguishes
Everyone will be fearing what they should have done
How the coin could have spun
Nothing in this life left to have won.

Step up and let's take some responsibility!
Right! We should not flea from this reality drop in a cup.
Pray for congealing of the ideology
Will keep you reeling

When the tear falls, it will be in the thousands
A grain of sand in the arid desert, rouse it
Have a ruse and swallow that pill, tell them what to do
Yet you shouldn't have to.

Blog Synthesis Day

Happy Synthesis Day to this blog, 3 days belated. Two years and still running, yahoo!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Disfunctional Genetic Code

Did you know that a in ages past in England the black nobility had plans to eradicate bad genes, if I remember correctly from my British history class. They wanted to eliminate people with less than perfect teeth, nails, etc. Hitler also wanted to rid the human race of a people - similar? People in power are just sick. My thoughts are a little muddled as of late. Oh, if you haven't watched "V for Vendetta", I highly recommend it. It tops my old favorite, "Braveheart".

Why are we spoon fed everything these days? All of the answers are given to us if we even hesitate an answer. Even in my typing, I give away too much. I never leave the mind to interpret for itself. I always want my readers to see it the way I do, and I really think I will stop that. If you have questions you can always ask me to clarify, otherwise, take away from what I type as your interpretation. This sort of ordeal breeds incompetence, as the mind is pickled by someone else's understanding. It also encourages assimilation. Perhaps that's why more and more of us enjoy the same things. Mass entertainment. I'm proud I've been able to detach myself from television and video games. When I'm online I try to be productive as well, although that can be arguable. I've realized that I am truly incompetent. I may have a few working synapses but, I cannot perceive the way I would like. I will strive to be a great mind before I pass on from this plane.

This post should really be many pages in length. Would you die for freedom, as our forefathers did before us? I know the right answer but in a real situation where I could lose my life, would I make that sacrifice? My friend, CAS, made an excellent point a while back. Say you are in an elevator with your spouse and she is carrying your unborn child. A man gets in and suddenly hits the emergency stop halfway up the building. He pulls a gun on you and asks, "Will you die for your freedom? I will spare your wife and your child, but you will die if you say yes. Otherwise I will bring down your country." Assuming that he kept his word, what would you choose? Your life and family's security or the arguably greater good? The average American is fearful.

People will sacrifice their freedom for security. Think of the safeguards in place today. Think of their absence and also ponder how your parents got to where they are and raised you without those safeguards. Warning: rant against president coming ahead! President Bush will attain archival phone data that he can use to track terrorists. Do these machines recognized keywords in different languages? If they don't, then there's no point in tapping our lines. I'm not saying that all terrorists are foreign, I know that they aren't, but terrorists are going to talk in codes, in another language, or some other means, so having machines that only recognize English will be a waste of time. I just don't trust this plan. It will be a conglomeration of information on a bunch of innocent people. If our rights keep going down the drain, what next? Are they going to eliminate freedom of speech in the future, and then go back and say, "Hey, you criticized the government back in 2005, you're going to jail!" Did you know they did this in the past? At that time so many people protested it, that the government retracted the plan. It was either that or one of the governmental bodies stopped it in its tracks. Now, we are sacrificing our freedoms because we are afraid of another attack; we fear for our safety. Really, I don't think that this information will be used against us for anything too serious, but just the fact that our privacy is being invaded irks the hell out of me. Everyday we drift further from our founding ideals. It's time to stop this shit.

Final though: In the movie "She's All That", a beautiful girl like the one Rachel Leigh Cook plays would have gotten all the attention in the world. Even when she was a nerd, she was hot. I think she'd be just as corrupt as the stuck up antagonist popular chick in the same film had she gotten all that attention. Lesson? We need to be humbled in our lifetimes. We can't always get our way because evils will root in the cracks of our flaws and grow.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I Found a Piece of Sanity

Today has been a good day. I've been searching for something, if you recall the bizarre statements on some previous posts, and what I found has been somewhat surprising. It is both a curse and blessing. I was with my grandmother today and I finally reached out past the border of grays and found positive and negative. I felt for the first time in a while. Guilt and incredible peace. My guilt stems from the realization that my grandmother will not live forever and that I haven't spent as much time with her as I should have been. The driving force of this guilt goes beyond normal bounds when one considers the convenience of reaching her as well as the disease that has recently gripped her. My grandmother has done so much for me in my life, and, although I know she will never expect repayment, I owe to her a thousand-fold of kind deeds. The positive side was peace. When I go to my grandmother's I feel a peace that I've felt no where else in the world, not even in the great forests near my cabin. This realization is in two parts. I felt it first probably when I was a child and she babysat me after school. I lost this peace until recently, when I went to visit a few months ago. We visited, but we didn't talk the whole time; there were small bouts of gazing out the window from both of us. It was like there was a strange connection between us. I think it has something to do with her house and its history; there's a silence when you are inside that is saturating. All noise is null and void. I think she feels grounded when I'm around, as her disease has never gnashed it's ugly teeth when I've been around her. As I mowed her lawn this evening, this feeling resurfaced. Following the yard work, I helped her fix her dish tv, having no experience with such technology, and somehow managed to fumble a fix. I reflected most of this on my short walk home. That's about all I can say about this.

Proof There is God/Goddess

I'm sure I've made some obscure reference for my reasoning of or proof of God/Goddess' existence. Here is one example. It's also convenient to for me to finally add a profile pic that leaves the mind numb with questions of my identity for those of you who don't know me. Post to follow (I hope).