Thursday, April 14, 2005

Comstock the Pickles

I think I found myself lost in tests and papers, but now the conscious thought of my existence has been validated by this post. This is how I feel right now!! I hope that actually doesn't make sense. It feels good to be back. How've you all been? There have been many occurrences lately in my life. First off, I removed my eyebrow piercing one week from this Wednesday. The swelling scar tissue has receded and it looks much better! I was told to put hydrocortisone on the scar tissue, but just like when I had it, I haven't taken care of it yet. The piercer who was there was actually the same girl who pierced me one year ago. She and the other guy there were shocked that it had reacted like that. In fact, it was the first time either of them had seen anything like it. It was sort of a scary thought, but since I consider myself abnormal anyway, I'm not as surprised that something weird like that happened.

Moving on. Last Wednesday, after my tests and things, my non-g/f and I visited my best friend C's sister in the hospital. She just had her baby on that previous Tuesday. It was a girl 7 lb. (I think), and very cute. She was doing well and was to go home the next night. This was also the night that gas prices were rather high. I think I paid $2.19 a gallon. We only stayed an hour, as it was 10 p.m. when we got out there due to our classes, and she had a busy day (both baby and mom). Afterwards we went to Applebee's with C. We talked about some recent things in his life (which I will leave out until I have permission to talk about them). I got home at about 2 and started my lab around 3ish. Just like me; always waiting for the last minute.

Last week was also the week I discovered where I want to work after I get my degree. The BCQ tour last week (on Tuesday) was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. That was a fun trip. We received a private tour of the toxicology, bacteriology, endocrinology and genetics labs. In the genetics lab, they had a computer program that would take a picture of jumbled up genes, and match them in pairs. It was the coolest technology besides the da Vinci that I've seen recently. On the way back from the tour, we stopped at Godfather's Pizza. I don't remember the last time I had Godfather's, but if you want to know a great place to eat in Rochester, space is the place (this is actually the first thing that popped into my mind. It isn't an inside joke or anything, in fact, it's the name of a Space Hog song/album), err... I mean Godfather's is. The only problem with working there is that I would be far away from everyone I know. It takes 1.5 hours to get there going the speed limit; I was navigator and my faculty advisor was the driver, so I wasn't able to find out how fast she was driving, and I know the speed limit was at least 65. I'm still considering it though, because Mayo has phenomenal benefits. That's the other thing, I've noticed these days. For some reason, I've been noticing and visiting many places that are potential employment opportunities. It's weird how fate/destiny work out.

Wow, I thought that I'd have a ton to write, but I'm almost done. I've noticed that women are carrying those bright colored purses that resemble the shape of sausages. You know what I'm talking about they're usually green or pink and they have like 5 belts across them. They are the ugliest thing I've ever seen, but women seem to love them. This last little diddy that I've written may throw a loop at some of you. If you remember in high school, I had tons of fashion problems, mostly because I didn't care. I would wear the same color shirts and pants and they weren't exactly the same because one was more faded or something. I still don't care. I'll splurge for the multi-colored shirts and bright colors still, but now I have a little more matching ability. Many of my friends that are female, think I'm quite the metrosexual. I don't know why though, becuase I still have some pretty bad taste. For those of you who don't watch Sex and the City, a metrosexual is a cross between a homosexual and a heterosexual. A straight man with fashion sense is the easiest description I can think of.

A couple of other things. On one of those all-nighter papers I wrote, I got a B on. In the class we were given wild cards, which can be used to either rewrite a paper, or to touch up a paper we already wrote to get a better grade. The rule is that once a wild card is submitted, my professor will read that paper "as if [he] had never laid eyes on the previous paper before". So the possibility to receive a lesser grade is existent. My prof. must hold high regards for me, because he wants me to use a wild card and get an A. I have yet to consider his request. I'm truly not bragging, I think it's crazy that he holds me with such regard, although it is flattering, since it hasn't happened in all my years at the U.

Hmm. Well if there are no more questions, I think I'll come to a close.

I do hope life is treating you all very well! I am grateful for my life and for my friends and family, as well as their (and your) safe travels through this mish-mosh of reality!



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