Saturday, April 02, 2005

Fragments of Chaos Theory

This will probably be in two parts. Right now, it's Friday afternoon, I'm at work, and I'm waiting for my supervisor to get back from a meeting because I have a question for him. While I'm waiting, I have nothing to do, so I'll start this post that I missed yesterday.

I hope you all are well. Spring, one of my favorite seasons, is finally emerging (the other is fall), and it feels great. I don't know why they are my favorite seasons, maybe it has to do with the whole life and death cycle, or the amount of memories that pour over me at these times. I seem to like the things that bring pain. Man I feel weird right now. I'm the only person I know that sometimes loves the pain of loneliness. Being of pure evil? I think so...

Anyway, I recently purchased some software that cleans my disks and defrags my hard drive. I was supposed to back up my comp. before doing any repairs. Of course, after running the disk dr. program, I found major errors. I was stuck. I then decided to purchase an external HD. After doing some research, I purchased a Western Digital ex. HD. Unfortunately, from what I understood of the reviews, you either buy a good HD or one that breaks in a few weeks. Two weeks so far, and no problems here! After I backed up my comp, I fixed the disk which had about 6 major problems and a multitude of minor errors. It's now running in tip-top shape! Whooo... Hooo... I forgot to mention that I have $70 in rebates on the HD, another plus!

For BCQ this week, we attended the ESS (Emergency Surgical Services) tour! It was an exciting tour, where we learned about all of the surgical implants that are tested on animals before they are put into humans. There, students and myself, along with other student leaders, were given the opportunity to suture as well as test drive the Da Vinci. The suture experience was very...unique. There were hunks of pig..meat is the best word. I guess they were rumps from pigs with the skin still on (not bloody or anything). We were taught how to suture by a man who has been teaching med students for 15 some years! (Saturday's continuation)I devoloped a new-found respect for surgeons after trying suturing. The Da Vinci was the coolest part of the trip. The da Vinci is a large robotic surgeon. It is operated by a surgeon with proper training and the newest technological advance in the area of surgery. A surgeon in the U.S. could be operating on someone in Russia with this machine. It's so cool, you sit in this chair, and look into the viewing glass. The image you see is 3-D and comes from the scope that is looking at whatever is on the operating table. This scope can be straight, or curved and has fiber-optic wires within! In front of you are to finger loops for each hand (thumb and index finger) that are attached to the metal apparatus of the viewing/operating unit. Think of the area where the surgeon sits as a large remote control for the robot that can be placed anywhere in the world. As you move around, you can do just about anything with your arms, and the robot mimics this. Turning your wrists opening your hands, anything you can do, the robot can do and it does it simultaneously! The arms of the robot are little pincers, or whatever adapative device they put on the arms of the robot. The machine costs $1 million and there are 4 of them in MN alone, contributing to the 150 units in the U.S. Here are some websites to check out Da Vinci
More Da Vinci

In other news, I had a test this last week, and one coming up on Monday and a paper due Tuesday. I originally had a test on Wed, too, but they switched it to next week!! Phew! I finally officially switched majors to biology. I've also been considering taking all of my classes for my degree next fall and then finding a job in the spring, but I don't think I will do that. More news. I've noticed that my music collection has been growing exponentially. I'm finally purchasing all of those old alternative cds from the 90's that I never did or could afford. Unfortunately, I can't afford anything else now, since I got so carried away. Sorry if this post is so fast paced. I'm trying to get everything down because I should be studying right now!

I'll leave you with my rabbit story (short and sweet). I was walking over by my non-g/f's apartment at night with her, when I noticed this blurry object near me. I looked down to see a rabbit. We locked eyes. Then for some reason, my body acted as if it either a.) had never seen a rabbit before, or b.) had forgetten to be surprised. After about 2 seconds of staring the rabbit straight in the eyes, I jumped about 5 feet in the air. The rabbit didn't waste any time getting the banana out of there. Anywho, that's that.

Have a most excellent rest of the weekend, and wish me luck on the tests/papers!



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