Thursday, March 10, 2005

Godly Whirls a.k.a. The Intricacy of God

Yo! Funna get my drink on and my snack on...
Sorry I don't know where that came from, I just had to get it out. I suppose that means Spring Break is upon us.

First thing. I had a strange revelation in my World Music class yesterday (funny how all these things keep happening in that class). Our professor was explaining the Islamic religion to the class. She said that when a Muslim starts praying to Allah, he/she starts as a drop in the ocean and becomes the ocean as he/she prays. This is somewhat parallel to an idea I have of what God is. Since I have lost faith, I had this notion that when we die, we collectively become God. From here our souls are changed, and sent back to some other life form; this is similar to reincarnation. However, this is not exactly what I believe God is. In my eyes, God is inexpressible, uncomprehensible, and unseeable. We are never to understand God for it is not for us to understand. So many people think the human race is supreme. That we can "see" God. Nah uh, no way. I do not think this is the case. Although we are the only example of an organism that has the ability to reason (that I know of). This is why also why I have a difficult time explaining my beliefs to someone - I haven't quite figured it out yet. From time to time, I sometimes think there is no God. I think it is feasible that life was just an "extremely difficult" accident (if those words form a comprehensible statement) in this potentially infinitesimal universe. But then I realize, it had to start somewhere. Even if we are currently in the expansion era of the universe and it will someday collapse back down to nothing, there was a beginning. Even if time is just a giant circle and there seems to be no beginning or end, a circle must start somewhere. It must be created. Think of when you draw a circle. Even if it were perfectly circular, you placed your pen or pencil down somewhere to start drawing it. For some stupid reason, I forget that there had to be a beginning somewhere.

It may upset some of you who I know personally to hear that I will most likely not be a born again Christian. There are too many things about it that I don't agree with. I will give it a chance by reading the Bible, but it is here where my disputes with the religion lie. I also would like to read the Quŕan one day to see its insights on God and the world. In fact, I will probably read all of the world's religious texts - I probably won't agree with just one either. Going back to Christian ideology - don't get me wrong, I believe in the Devil, and I believe in sin. I don't believe that saying an individual is my God and savior relinquishes my sins. I feel by what I do here on earth via good deeds and kindness and selflessness, will my sins be cleansed. Sometimes, I think God and the Devil are the same. I believe in balance in everything. God has a plan for you, and if you choose to go to hell, that's your choice. You can not tell me that it is not in God's plan to save everyone. You can not go back on what you say by stating that God has a plan for you unless you chose not to do it - the consequence resulting in going to hell - and then stating that that was not God's plan. If God is who everyone (a poor choice of words, since God is who the individual thinks God is) says God is, God has to deal with the fact that there are choices God must make. There is no such thing as perfection. I believe that Jesus Christ existed, but not that he was flawless and he did not sin. If we are born into sin, because of the deeds of Adam and Eve, and he was born on this earth, then he was born into sin. On that notion, please keep in mind that I haven't read the entirety of the Bible and that I will take back any misinformation I may have written.

I don't believe in blind faith because you have but one life. If you waste it believing lies (not saying that any religion is a lie), what did you waste your life doing? You can still be a good person in your own name. Just because you are human doesn't mean you can't owe yourself some gratitude. It is not selfish to do a kind deed in your own name. I also leave this open for oppositional comments and discussion!! I'm sorry if I have offended anyone with this so far, but it is what I believe.

There was an amazing notion that my non-g/f brought up a while ago and I just couldn't wait to post it (I originally wrote this draft sentence many weeks ago). If God knows everything, technically does he know about cloning? God is the genome if behavior is influenced by genes. It is said that knowledge is forbidden, and if you know too much, you will be less faithful. Is that why I've heard that the search for knowledge is evil? Adam and Eve ate the apple and gained knowledge - their eyes were opened. Is this also why genetic research is looked down upon in certain religions? If your genes are your plan (they have been shown to shape behavior and it is a fact that your genes are what makes you you), then technically in a way, your genetic code is God. It has been found in many organisms that the genetic code is much the same except in specific areas. The universal currency for energy is ATP - IN EVERYTHING. Just some thoughts...

Did you know this side of me?



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