Thursday, February 24, 2005

Being of Pure Evil

I stared this post as an idea a couple of days ago. When I finally publish it, a week or so will have passed. I had this notion that I was a being of pure evil the other day. I don't recall exactly what I was thinking, but I can expand on this anyway. I get this mean streak in me sometimes. For example, when I'm a pedestrian and someone cuts me off, I have a rule that I will shove their car if I am close enough. It pisses me off that people are that impatient and inconsiderate. I have this thing inside me that really wants to teach people lessons when they make mistakes that I consider common sense. In past years, I've been able to curb this anger by realizing that they are just human and everyone makes mistakes, including myself. Not anymore. I've had so many people do stupid sh*t to me that I just don't care anymore. The world as is, is just a heaping conglomeration of betrayal, evil, stupidity, and ignorance. A cesspool if you will. If you've ever driven with me, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. There is no way, no matter how many people there are on this planet, that 10-20 stupid things can occur in front of me EVERY SINGLE TIME I drive. I really want a paint ball gun, so I can tag idiot drivers. I used to want to design this compartment in my car that would open and shoot something into their tires 'cause I'd get so pissed. Obviously this issue hasn't resolved itself yet....and it probably never will.

Moving on. I work right next door to a hospital which supplies its patients with outdoor smoking pavilions. I often see many people walk out of the hospital, often times still hooked up to machines, just so they can have smoke. This happens more noticably in the winter months. I don't believe how strong the urge for a smoke exists in people. These people probably just had a surgery and got well enough to get out of their beds, and immediatly started smoking again. It's too bad those individuals don't put that type of ambition into other areas of their lives (as I'm sure they don't). Just a thought.

Today in biochem lab I was struck with deja vu. A brief history entails. If there is any such thing as psychic powers, I have them in my dreams. I usually have a dream of some situation, and then, years later, it happens. Today's example was no different. I was examining a recently returned homework assignment, when it hit me. I can remember every detail - light, people, objects in the room or area, it's almost frightening. My lab partner was someone I had never met before in my life (before that class), I had never before been inside that room, in fact at the time of the dream, the building didn't exist yet. The last extremely vivid deja vu that occured was back in high school. I was standing in the school's parking lot with J.H. and E.C. I was facing the SE and they were in front of me. It was a sunny day, I remember the flag blowing in the wind across the street at the fire station. I brought this to their attention, to which they showed interest and smiled. There are many others, but by now, they have left me. Speaking of weird coincidences, I had another today. The song Muzzle by The Smashing Pumpkins just popped in my head this morning. I was listening to iTunes on random, and I bet you can't guess which song song came on...

I might talk about my BCQ tours (class that I teach) in future posts, but not in this one. They can be interesting for people who never get to see them. BCQ (Biology Colloquium) is a student lead class, where freshman are given tours of research facilities at the U. We also facilitate large group speeches by top researchers in the nation. Anyway, our small group tours can get into some pretty exclusive areas that not other people get to see.

See ya,


P.S. I didn't want to wait till next week to post this.


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