Thursday, January 20, 2005

Trying to Post

I'll try to keep posting through the semester, but things may get too hectic for this...again. Well, I don't have classes on Friday, so I may choose to talk about my week on Thursdays, so be ready for that. This promises to be a great semester. I have many non-science classes that focus on originality and bringing back the human aspect of my life. Not so much science this, and read this and do that, but get out there and experience this, create this, put soul into that. It feels GREAT! After going to school for almost four years here, I need a break. I've almost decided to switch to a music major instead of my area of study, biochemistry, which would be a total waste of my life and time, but gosh, would it be fun. Unfortunately, a music major wouldn't get me a high paying job, or for that matter, a job at all. I've heard of the struggles music majors have in getting jobs. They say you have to be the best of the best, and I'm not that...well, at least not right now. I think I'd have more success getting a higher paying job, practicing on my own, playing local, and hitting it big that way, but who knows. Are you getting dizzy yet?? I'm trying to write all my thoughts down right now and figure it out later, cause I have so much to do tonight - ALREADY!! I love my adv. expo. writing class, the teacher is the shizzle for shizzle. A very down to earth fellow. The only class I'm not looking forward to is, you guessed it, biochem lab! How ironic...

I'm listening to: Amplitude™ music. Go to and go to the download section for free downloads!!
Butthole Surfers - Electriclarryland, dcTalk - Jesus Freak (hey, it's an awesome album), Nelly - Country Grammar, and some various Jay-Z albums. I just bought Incubus's Alive at Red Rocks DVD, but haven't gotten to watch it yet. I'll keep you posted. Ooh, Saliva's Back Into Your System is bomb tiggity. I dont' know if I said anything, but the Franz Ferdinand album is different, but I like it much.

Hope you are doing well!



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